2nd March 2008
Around half past midnight, as I sat with the Lord to seek Him about the details of another vision that I was hoping to share here today, I was suddenly reminded of a vision flash I had seen around early 2007.
This vision flash came at great speed and was gone so very quickly, far quicker than any of the vision flashes I have ever seen before.
Yet, the strange thing about this vision flash was that, though it happened so speedily, I was Shown several details all at once.
In a speedy flash, I saw:
A clock tower in Israel.
It reminded me of the Big Ben in London, and also of the clock tower at the Bombay University.
The clock tower in Israel though was not as tall as the ones in Britain or Bombay. It looked around half the height of the clock tower in Bombay.
This clock tower in Israel, seemed to be standing in an ancient place, and under the tower ( unlike the London and Bombay clock towers that it so reminded me of) was an archway through which modern-day traffic passed.
I saw that it was daytime in Israel.
Suddenly, I saw a human hand approach the clock.
I understood within this vision flash, that it was the combined hands of a group of tourists who were visiting Israel, that had merged and now become combined into one human hand.
I saw that this hand, stretched out and touched the hands of the clock and moved them, speedily. Then the human hand disappeared.
The hands of the clock were so speedily moved forward that none around saw it.
The time now depicted was several hours ahead.
So though it was yet day, the people were made to think that the hour was later, than it actually was.
Swarna Jha
London-Big Ben built 1858

Rajabai Clock Tower Bombay-completed 1878

Response By-Joe D. Long
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 22:03:59 -0600
Shalom Swarna,
This is a very interesting vision, Swarna...
There are those within the Christian church that would have the time moved ahead just as you saw in your vision... At the same time, satan is attempting to thwart the move of Elohim by attempting to accelerate prophetic events to accommodate his own agenda...
Concerning the Christians who would accelerate time, it is their desire to bring things to a head thus bringing the coming of Christ sooner... They mean well, but in their zeal they get off track... We can hasten the coming of Yahshuah, but only through the direction of HOLY SPIRIT as HE guides and instructs us, and as we are quick to be obedient to HIS directions... Even so, FATHER'S timetable is never ever behind schedule... Time exists within HIM...
If you get more concerning this vision, please let me know... There are some things coming down soon in Israel that this vision pertains to, and that is "war!!!" The enemy wants the war now... Certain other forces that are not of Elohim also want this war now... It will be in Father's time and we need to pray that this effort to move time forward not be successful unless it is our Heavenly FATHER'S will... Amen!!! So Let It Be!!!
Blessings with HIS Shalom,
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