Thursday, March 6, 2008


6th March 2008

I saw this vision around the 2nd of January 2008.

I saw what looked like a pocket watch at first, divinely appear. I saw that the place where the Clock stood, was not affixed to the wall. It was off the wall, yet it stood firm and did not fall.

I saw that the clock looked very different, though it was in a normal circular shape.

Through the crystal clear cover, appeared not the time, but many signs and symbols, and words in a writing and language known to those who were taught it by the Lord.

Those whom the Lord Had Gathered sat around it. The called could not see each other, but were aware that others like them were there Called of God to read the Gold-rimmed Clock, and understand the times.

I saw that the Clock had arms of gold. In it’s right hand, the Clock had a pen made of gold.

As the people waited on the Lord to understand the times, the pen would write on a scroll, what came through the Clock.

I saw that everyone sitting there was given a copy of the scroll and on all their scrolls appeared the same symbol and message, “Beware the landmines”. This appeared several times, “Beware of landmines”.

I saw that on the other side also was a great gathering of people.

The folks there, were looking at a normal black-rimmed clock, affixed to the wall. I saw that the time on this clock was depicted in roman numerals.

I saw that those who were Called of God to understand the times, would send warnings to those who had gathered around the clock with roman numerals.

The folks who were gathered by the clock with roman numerals looked a busy lot. They would look at the clock on the wall, and shout, “Hey folks, it’s party-time, let’s rock”. And they rocked around the clock all night.

When the warnings came to the rockers and party-lovers, they just turned away in disgust, saying, “What kinda clock are ya watchin'? This ain’t no clock of God, all you ever bring us, is the same message, BEWARE OF LANDMINES. This is sooooooooo borinnnnnnnnngggggggggg! Leave us alone, can’t ya see we’ve got a clock of our own?”

I saw that some of those who had for a time believed the warnings, were now getting depressed hearing continuously about ‘landmines’ and how they were to beware of them.

“I’m outta here,” said one who was so depressed from hearing the warnings about landmines.
“Where are you going?” asked the God fearing man who had warned him of landmines.
“ I’m takin’ a prozac-break!” replied the depressed man.

And off the man went and joined the group with the clock with roman numerals.

I saw that those who sat by the golden Clock and pen, were not depressed at all, though for a while it seemed all they received were messages that warned: ‘ BEWARE OF LANDMINES.’ They knew that the Lord Wanted them to have understanding of the times that they were facing.

I saw that the party-lovers now wore headphones and listened to loud music. They danced they partied, and had yet another conference on yet another inane topic.


I saw now that they who had patiently waited by the gold Clock and pen, and did not get depressed by the continual ‘landmines’ warnings, now suddenly were leaping up in joy.

An entire map was being released to them.

Because they had patiently waited and sought understanding of the Lord, now a vast map was Given to them. I saw that these people were now able to see each other.

The map depicted large areas of fertile lands and upon certain portions, though they looked like orchards with gold colored baskets full of fruits, and vineyards, and places by tranquil waters, was a warning sign, “BEWARE OF LANDMINES”.

In this way, as they examined the map closely, they noticed that the Lord in His Mercy and Goodness Had Provided them with a map for the times. A map that actually pin-pointed where they could go, and where they should most definitely not go, due to the landmines, which were fatal. They understood that if they were to disobediently stray into such prohibited areas, even if they survived the explosion, they were sure to lose some limbs, and suffer other fatal damage.

So at all costs, lands bearing the warning " BEWARE OF LANDMINES" were to be avoided.

I saw that the party-lovers had come out of their party hall. They had heard that people who had been warning them had found vast lands that were fertile.

The party-lovers thought not to join with those ‘depressing’ people and planned to go and take-over and occupy the lands by themselves. As they stood in the fields, and looked as far as their eyes could see, they noticed that there was land enough for everyone.

So the party-lovers skipped and danced and sang loudly in the fields, they were delirious with excitement. They stood in the fields and scouted the area with their binoculars.
They saw that in every direction, there were orchards, vineyards, and tranquil looking waters.

They couldn't believe their good fortune! The orchards looked ripe, and gold-colored baskets were filled to the brim with fruits.

They had done no work and here were these vast orchards and fertile lands with tranquil looking waters, to do with as they pleased.

They saw at a distance away, in the fields, those who had brought them warning messages. The party-lovers saw that the farmers had cordoned off the land, a distance away from the orchards. They noticed that the men and women were sowing and plowing, and they were engrossed in their work.

The party-lovers laughed, “Now you tell me didn't those folks out there call us blind? Now tell me, who’s dumb and blind? Don’t these farmers love their works!” asked the leader of the party-lovers, puffing with pride, as he had taken the trouble to scout the land with his binoculars and was the first amongst the group to spot the orchards and the fruits in gold baskets, and the tranquil looking waters.

‘That depressing lot out there is so blind, they can’t see those ripe orchards and the gold baskets full of fruits, they’re so into works I tell ya!”.

As the party-lovers decided to divide the mission of taking dominion over the orchards, and the lands with the tranquil looking waters, they stood gleefully around a map they had hastily drawn of all the orchards in sight.

They divided themselves into groups and to each were given the mission of going to those orchards, and the lands with tranquil looking waters, and fruits in gold-colored baskets, and taking dominion over such places, where there was no work to be done.

Only lands that looked ready for occupation and dominion, without them having to till, or sow, or reap, were short-listed and drawn on the map.

This merry bunch of party-lovers now skipped through the fields and past the workers who were working the land.

The farmers shouted, “BEWARE THE LANDMINES”.

The party-lovers laughed, “There ya go again! Dem landmines again! Don’t ya have another word from the Lord?” they mocked as they raced past the farmers, “don’t ya just get bored shouting the same ole warnin’s all the time?”
“You could lose your limbs!” warned the farmers.
“God is in the Business of Restoring limbs, not taking them away,” replied the leader of the party-lovers. And ‘ere we lose a limb or two, you’ll come and rescue us won’t ya, ya depressing works-promotin’ farmers?” mocked the party-lovers.

A few amongst the party lovers, though, did slow down. They asked the farmers if they could join them in working the field.

The farmers refused them not.

Some amongst the old party lovers, who stayed to farm, had devised a scheme. If in a while, they did not hear the explosion of the landmines, they would know that the orchards were not land mined. Then they would leave, and join the fun crowd.

These did not realize that they were deaf, and would not hear, the explosions of the land mines.

Swarna Jha
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