Saturday, April 4, 2009

Vision: The Triangle Tables-COMMENTS


RE: Visions: Triangles and Pyramids
Thursday, April 2, 2009 9:44 AM

COMMENT BY: Randy Maugans, U.S.A


I am intrigued by the imagery of the two recent visions with pyramids and triangles, very mystical imagery---but our Lord is the Lord of Mystery. The key in the vision, "The Triangle Tables": "It is not about the table" is the Lord's way of telling us to be focused upon essence (the "smell")---while all around us people are caught up in the physical movements, objects, and "doing"---we fail to perceive the subtle, the intangible, the very spirits which inhabit our spaces. "The main thing is not the THING".

I see this so much now as people are running to and 'fro analyzing, interpreting, talk, talk, talk....think,, do. And the Lord says: "Wait and watch". Only watch. Do not analyze, do not TRIANGULATE...wait upon me for my ways are higher than your ways and in my WORD is encompassed ALL understanding which go beyond words, images, and vain understandings.

This truly is a word of the Lord in this hour---times of perplexity when we must be wise beyond words, thoughts, and actions.


Randy Maugans-The Threshing Floor

Click to continue reading ““Following Fractals: Prophecy or Parlor Games?””


A reader from Texas said...

As I read this vision, as well as The Pyramid Cloud, I kept thinking of the Trilateral Commission. When I went to their website, I saw a reference to something called The Triangle Papers.

Then today, I came across these related links:

Principalities Using Men To Remake America

World's Smartest Meet On April Fools Day

The Gang of 20 And The New World Order

This is an intriguing vision.
April 3, 2009 8:18 PM

vickie said...
It's interesting that I just read a note from State Farm Insurance stating "Build your triangle of protection" and it goes on to list three solutions:

Homeowners Insurance,

Life Insurance and Disability Insurance

The statement "Triangle" is what caught my eye. Vickie
April 13, 2009 6:35 PM

Comment by Joe D. Long, U.S.A

Saturday, April 4, 2009 4:25 PM

Shalom Swarna,

I am not "trying" to say my comments are the interpretation by any means... Just some thoughts that came to mind as I read the vision... This is most intriguing, to say the least...


As I read this vision, it seemed to be about nothing but the "triangular" tables...
However, after several hours, and much thought, I have understood that there is more here than meets the eye, so to speak...

I know that Randy from the Threshing Floor has already made a comment and in essence said that we are not to interpret the vision... He has made some rather good points concerning the vision if I may say...

My comments of what has come to my mind since reading the vision will be embedded in the vision in Blue and Dark Red...

Blessings to you, my friend...

31st March 2009

30th March 2009, I saw a vision flash.

I saw a poorly lit room. I could not tell the size of the room due to the poor lighting.
In the centre of the space that was visible to me, stood a large wooden table.

The table was in the shape of a triangle. The pointed end of the triangle table faced north. Whilst all around the table there were several chairs, at the pointed end of the triangle there was just one chair.

The enemy, satan said he would set himself in the sides of the north...

Isaiah 14:13 [Kings James Bible]
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isaiah 14:12-14 (in Context) Isaiah 14
(Whole Chapter)

Please read the above in the Amplified Bible as well...

Behind the single chair was a raised platform with wooden railings. The platform looked like a place where a judge / presiding officer/ speaker of the House might officiate the meeting.
Re:The above scriptures... (Illuminati) I also thought of the Tri-Lateral Commission...

There were no people in the room. This entire scene itself, the shape of the table, the dark shadows lurking over the platform, the eerie, sinister, secretive feel to the room, made me wonder if this room was tucked away some place, away from prying eyes.

In Masonry, the meetings are secretive, and this is the basis of the Illuminati... The includes the Bilderbergs (World Billionaires) who control all the money and now all the nations...

Yet, the impression I received on seeing this entire room was that this was a place, where those who met here made major decisions, affecting the affairs of many. Also that only those who visited this room, knew of it's existence.
The Illuminati, the "New World Order" to name it specifically... These also include the tax free endowment foundations...

The above was a vision flash I receive 30 March 2009.

The morning of 31 March 2009, suddenly, this vision flash of the triangle table repeated before my eyes.

Following the repeat of this vision flash mentioned above, I saw this vision.

I was standing at a certain height looking down below at the business district of New York. Between the tall buildings on either side, was a street.
I tend to think of Wall Street...

Mid-way along the street was a triangle table. A man was wheeling the table along the street. I could not see his face as his back was towards me.

This man wore a beige-colored costume made of cotton cheesecloth. He wore a short beige sleeveless vest, with a satin cloth on the rear of the vest. His waist was bare. He wore beige, with blue pinstripes ballooned pants, which narrowed at the bottom. The entire costume looked Arabian / eastern. In sharp contrast, upon his head was a tall beige-colored Uncle- Sam type top hat, except that the hat did not depict the American flag.

Uncle Sam has sold the soul of the country as well as the American people to the Arabian Oil Kings...

Not a single window in any of the buildings along this street was open, nor did I see anyone peering out of the windows. Yet, there was quite a stir of excitement inside the offices in the buildings, when this man wearing the tall top hat passed by, wheeling the triangle table.

None saw this man, yet there was frantic activity in all the buildings in the vicinity. Somewhere I heard that the essence of a person, followed that person and permeated the air around them...

The intrinsic or indispensable properties that serve to characterize or identify something.

The most important ingredient; the crucial element.

The inherent, unchanging nature of a thing or class of things.

An extract that has the fundamental properties of a substance in concentrated form.

Such an extract in a solution of alcohol.

A perfume or scent.

One that has or shows an abundance of a quality as if highly concentrated: a neighbor who is the essence of hospitality.

Something that exists, especially a spiritual or incorporeal entity.

The office workers, managers moved back and forth pushing, moving the furniture around them.

With great haste, these people from all the surrounding buildings, carried down tall cupboards, steel filing cabinets, all their valuable office furniture, safety vaults holding assets/ documents, and wooden furniture, which they hastily placed on the footpath / sidewalk.
This speaks of wealth, money, etc, etc...

As I watched this, I fully expected the people to chase the man with the hat on.

Why I wondered had these people brought down all their office furniture? What did they want? To pay homage???

Soon gleaning from their conversations, it became clear that they all wanted to own exactly the same model of triangle table, and were willing to sell all they had to purchase it.
To be like the man wheeling the table...

I could not tell exactly where these crowds on the sidewalk were getting their information. I saw that none down below sought to verify or examine this information but simply passed it along as truth.

Now the buzz on the street was that to build the exact same model of the triangle table a massive amount of a particular type of wood was required. This wood had been in short supply as there had been no demand for it earlier, but now due to people wanting triangle tables built, the demand had shot up and this wood had now sold out. The fast-spreading rumor also was that the anticipation of demand for such triangle tables would far outweigh supply. Therefore, those who desperately wanted these tables would have to move fast.

Just a thought, on the back of the U.S. One Dollar Bill is the picture of the pyramid with the all seeing eye, which is the top of the pyramid making a triangle... This is of course the Illuminati... Check out the eye or Horus...

To their delight, those who stood around in the street found that their wooden furniture was made of exactly the same wood required to build the triangle table.
For some reason, Acacia wood sticks in my mind...

Further market reports warned that the craftsmen would get so busy that they would not have time to break up people’s furniture, so buyers must break up their own furniture and keep it ready for pick up, or else they’d miss out on the triangle tables.
This also has to do with money... All of this...

Yet another rumor was that if the people wanted a replica of such a triangle table, they would need a colossal amount of wood. Word was going round that the wood of the triangle table only looked slim from afar, but if one were to examine the table, one could see the massive amount of wood it took to construct such a table.
I see the massive "debt..."

To me, the table had appeared to be of cheap, ordinary wood with an unimpressive veneer. Now as I listened to the buzz and watched all the flurry of activity on the street, I myself, within the vision was curious to walk down that street and scrutinize the table.

I heard the Lord Say to me within the vision, “Do not go down to examine the triangle table. Stay exactly where I Have positioned you. It’s not about the table.”

You were curious, but not "affected" by the essence of the table... Profoundly interesting...

Then I suddenly understood that it was not about the table.

It was about the smell.

Yes, the essence of the wood...

Now though I was not allowed to smell this polish, or inhale it, I was made to understand that there was an over-powering smell emanating from the table. Money is very intoxicating...

The polish on the wooden surface was sending forth this smell. The smell was heady, intoxicating, and like a drug, those who once got a whiff of it, craved for more.
Ok, the essence in the polish... Do a search on "The Smell of Money..."

Suddenly, the man with the hat on disappeared as if into thin air. Nobody noticed as none had seen the man with the hat on. I now understood that not the sight of the table but the whiff of it’s polish had brought the people down from their offices.

Strangely, now though no one was pushing the triangle table,I noticed that it did not stray but moved straight along the street, at the same slow speed.

Meanwhile, the strong whiff had made people on the street, forget all else they were doing, and give their all to purchasing whatever it was that contained such a smell. The smell gave them such a high, that drugged by it, they became reckless. Many normally prudent folk had now thrown caution to the wind and become reckless. For the imprudent, which thrived on highs, the triangle table to them came as a ‘life-saver’.

It sure sounds like the false promises and pumping money into Wall Street and the World Banks with the promise of good things to come...

After the disappearance of the man with the hat on, more triangle tables appeared in the street, and followed the first triangle table.

It was a strange sight.

The people on the street did not think this as a strange sight, but as something that was unique and one that would bring them favor.

They have been mesmerized by the intoxication of the "essence" of the tables...

Now I saw that the people on the street were kneeling on the sidewalk cutting down all the wooden furniture, they had brought down from the buildings. It appeared those who had little or no wooden furniture, had sold their non-wooden office furniture, their safety vaults etc, to create the cash to purchase wood.

This sure sounds like a scam to me, to get the people to sell what they have to purchase "wood" which is really on not much intrinsic value, but having been intoxicated by the essence of the polish of the wooden table, they are duped into giving up all they have, to have what this one man had... Very interesting...

The vaults had been emptied before they were sold and all the valuables, documents, etc were lying in a heap on the sidewalk. Soon all in the street had a group of people dressed in black suits/white shirt, guarding their assets on the street corner. I saw that they all held mobile phones in their hands and were constantly looking around, like security guards normally do.

All the valuables were heaped on the street... Could this be a type of looting??? Gone from cash to a cashless society???

Those who did not need to sell their non-wooden furniture found that the buildings they had rushed out from had suddenly constricted and the stairwell and elevators had become so narrow that they could not return all their office furniture to its original place. So they sold off all the non-wooden furniture for that reason. ( Later I saw that the buildings had become even more constricted and even the people could not get back up to their offices)

They were put out of their businesses... Babylon is bankrupt...

Meanwhile the street was full of a neat line of moving triangle tables.

How could these tables move in so orderly a fashion? I wondered.

The chain of triangle tables looked immaculately orderly. All the pointed ends of the triangle table were arranged face front. Not a single table vacillated, or veered away from the others, or went awry.

All the movements of the triangle tables looked so synchronized.

As the chain of tables smoothly turned the corner, something in it’s life-like turning movement made me wonder if it was really a dragon or a large slithering snake.
Yes, indeed, the serpent...

As these tables turned to the left, I could now see under the tables. I noticed that in the leg of each table, hidden from view were people at a steering wheel, ‘driving’ the table.
The powers that be, the Illuminati... N.W.O.

I saw that there was one driver per table and each drove the tables with precision and every movement appeared well planned and synchronized.

I saw that many such chains of tables were driving through various adjoining streets in a business district of New York.
Wall Street???

Similar scenes were enacted on all the adjoining streets. Chopped up wooden furniture, valuables on the sidewalk, men in black suits guarding it. All the buildings had constricted, so no furniture could be restored to it’s original place.

Now I noticed that in every street all had sold their non-wooden furniture, their vaults, their filing cabinets etc, and their valuables were being guarded by these men in black suits, who constantly spoke on cell phones.

Suddenly, as the people waited on the sidewalk, huge trucks appeared in the street.

I saw that all the triangle tables disappeared and now the streets in this area all had trucks.

I could not see if the tables had passing through other streets in the City, outside this vicinity, but I do know that after the trucks settled into the streets, I saw that the triangle tables had reached the poorly lit room that I mentioned in the vision flash.

The ruse has worked, the people are mesmerized...

Though the tables had disappeared, and though I could not smell the polish, yet I understood that the heady smell permeated the entire area.

Like a heady perfume that just lingers when the person who is wearing it has long gone...

I saw that all triangle tables, fitted neatly under the large triangle table which was permanently in that poorly lit room.

It seemed to me that the triangle tables beneath, folded on either side. The main table could fold, but it remained open.

The arrival of the trucks looked quite dramatic.

These trucks were as long as the streets. The high and extra long white cabins of these trucks had a long passage in the middle and on either side of the passage were tall steel cupboards, filing cabinets, steel vaults, all such type of non-wooden furniture.

The truck drivers had been sent to ‘rent out’ this furniture to those standing on the sidewalks. Now people rushed to rent this furniture so that they could store all that had been emptied out onto the sidewalks from their own furniture.

None recognized that all the freshly painted furniture ( with slight variations / changes) within the trucks was that which they themselves had sold off, and that they were now paying highly to rent what had once belonged to them.

Like I said, this is all a scam, and is going on now on Wall Street and in the Banking districts of NYC and world wide... The people are picking up the tab and it is their retirements that are being skimmed off...

As the buildings had now further constricted, none of those standing on the streets could return either their furniture or themselves back to their offices.
They are out of business...

So when the people on the sidewalk saw the long trucks, they were ecstatic. It was as an answer to ‘prayer’. There was a great sigh of relief as people loaded all their office belongings onto the trucks.
False security... Believing a lie...

The people believed these trucks to be a ‘permanent’ sort of place where they could store their valuables.
False signs on Wall Street, false market advances... False securities set up...

Now I saw that every street within that vicinity fully occupied by these long trucks. Every truck was the length of the entire street they were parked in.

Day and night these trucks remained parked in these streets. No other traffic could move through these streets.

The truck drivers stood at street corners, sometimes meeting and conversing with other drivers in the area. They held in their hand a leather key chain filled with keys and held two black remotes. One remote control was for opening the driver’s door, but I could not understand what the purpose of the other one was.

The people at no time wondered what would happen if the drivers just drove away.

The people have been duped, by the essence of the table polish...

They presumed that having such trucks so readily available fully kitted with exactly the furniture they needed, was their good fortune.

They presumed that these extra long trucks were a new feature on the street, as all around had them, and thought that though they blocked traffic to and from the street, the trucks were just a new feature for their convenience, and they would have to happily bear the other inconveniences.

Believing false promises...

Within the vision, I saw many nights and days pass by.

The trucks continued to block the streets. The truck drivers continued to stand on street corners chatting amongst themselves.People could not enter their buildings so these trucks which held their valuables in a manner of speaking became their workplace. They travelled to the trucks as if to work.

Could this be due to the rioting that is to take place in N.Y.C. that David Wilkerson saw in his vision???

I saw in the vision that none had received any triangle tables of their own.
Promises unfulfilled...

Nonetheless, they seemed unconcerned and remained satisfied with the extreme high they experienced on the collective smell of polish emanating from all the tables that had traveled the streets.

This smell was now permeating the entire neighborhood.

One night, I saw that each truck driver had now returned to his respective vehicle, but I noticed that they stood on the curb,outside the driver's door but did not get in.

Now in unison, all pressed the remote control.

Again, it all looked so synchronized.

I saw all truck drivers, in every street, without conferring with each other, simultaneously, press one of the remote controls, on their key chain. For a moment, I thought that the driver’s seat door would open and these men would drive away.

No door opened. Instead, it was the second remote control on their key chain that they pressed.

I heard the sound of a machine running.

It appeared that the remote they all pressed was to start the refrigeration in the long cabin, which held all the office furniture.

If the refrigeration continued for a certain period, blocks of ice would form and the doors to the cabin would not open. People would have no access to their belongings/valuables. Would the furniture cool or freeze, I wondered.

Robbed again...

These people could not hear the sounds of refrigeration, as they were home asleep, believing all was secure and well.

I now understood that these drivers were awaiting a final order from those who sat in that poorly lit room I saw in the vision flash.

I asked the Lord if these drivers would next drive away with the trucks.

"Wait and watch", Came the Reply.

This will indeed be interesting as well as terrifying to most to watch it play out...

This reminded me of a 2006 Vision: Men Lose Their Shirts

In that vision too I had been told to "Wait and watch".

Swarna Jha

Saturday, April 4, 2009 6:15 PM

Shalom Swarna,

It wasn't as if I received revelation about the vision... It is mostly just thoughts that came to me as I read and pondered it... This vision is hugely symbolic, I might say, but of course you already knew that...

One other thing that I was going to say, but ran out of time as I did that at work this morning, (Sat), was about the symbol of the pyramid etc, etc...

"Every thing that is made has been made through Christ by Father and HOLY SPIRIT..." So that means that the Original Pyramid were made by HIM, but were perverted by satan and possibly other spiritual beings before satan... (The ones here on earth.) It is Written and recorded in the volume of the Book, that all things that HE made were "good..."

Since there is no one else but Elohim who can "Create" then all the other beings that are made can only pervert and profane what HE has made... They can change them and use them in such a way as to profane them, but HE is the only one who can create... So the Occult, the Illuminati, the NWO, the Masons, etc, etc, can only pervert what was created and made good by Elohim... The Christians need to understand this... I am sure I will get some flak on this, but so be it... I can handle it...

Blessings to you my friend,


Saturday, April 4, 2009 6:37 PM

Shalom Swarna,

I had just turned off my computer and was getting ready to go to bed, as I have worked all night, when I felt that HOLY SPIRIT gave me something concerning the vision...

I heard this phrase in my mind... "Frozen Assets" and immediately was given remembrance of the long trucks and the drivers of the trucks simultaneously turning on the refrigeration units... The ice blocked the ability of the people to get to their values...

Swarna, this whole vision is of what the Powers that be, the World Banking System, Federal Reserve, NWO, Illuminati, etc, etc, whatever you wish to call them, will shut down all the banking system for possibly as long as "six months" and there will be bank holiday... NO ONE will be able to access their assets... When we come out of that, it will probably be a cashless society...

I do feel that what I have just shared with you is a genuine revelation to part of the vision...

There is an indication that at first, there will be a devaluation of the currency, then we will be issued a "revalued currency" but shortly after that all the assets will be frozen... SE'LAH~

This I feel we can take to the bank of heaven...

Blessings my friend,


YAHSHUAH is the sole expression of the glory of Elohim, the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine, and HE is the perfect imprint and very image of Elohim's nature. Heb 1:3a

April 5, 2009 4:19 PM
Comment by Joe D. Long, U.S.A

Shalom Swarna,

I finally listened to Randy's radio program and his comments about your vision... Very good...

(Click to continue reading ““Following Fractals: Prophecy or Parlor Games?””)

Blessings, my friend...


I really believe that we are seeing this played out as we go further into this financial crises... I certainly don't have it all figured out, and am not going to try to figure it out... It will come to me in bits and pieces, just as Father said, watch and wait...

Having said that, look for the finances to be "frozen" and no one will be able to access their assets... The World Bankers have it all sewed up so to speak...

I would remind the True believers to read the Vision that Father gave Olivia, my wife about the Giant... Where HIS people are concerned, HE will circumvent the crises that the World is facing...

You have seen that already in other visions...

Blessings again, and may Elohim Watch over you and Bless you...


YAHSHUAH is the sole expression of the glory of Elohim, the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine, and HE is the perfect imprint and very image of Elohim's nature. Heb 1:3a

Monday, April 6, 2009 9:04 AM

Shalom Swarna,

Anyway, on to your vision of men losing their shirts and trousers... I must say, that as I read this vision, I just started laughing at the humor of our Elohim... Showing you men walking around in their long baggy white shorts with only their shoes and socks on!!! I am sorry, I cannot help but laugh at this picture... HE sure knows how to make an impression!!! Ok, all laughing aside...

You are so right, this does connect with the vision of the Triangular table...

From Wall Street, as you well know, everything they do there affects the major businesses in America, in some form or fashion... Even the small businesses are affected...

Concerning the scripture references... This is nothing less that judgment upon this nation from the Almighty, as well as the Epitaph of America... SE'LAH~

This time that we are in is the time that you saw in this vision on July 8, 2006..... Wow, HE confirms a vision with a vision, as well as giving new additional information at the same time... Who is the audacious fool who says there is no Elohim???

Blessings my friend!!!


8th July 2006 at 12.15 a.m.

I saw men walking in the Business Districts of New York City. Many had lost their shirts, some even their black trousers. These men were walking the streets in long baggy white shorts.
They still had on their shoes and socks.

This was happening in every Business District/City / In oil refineries/oil rigs? etc in America.

I asked the Lord, “ Lord, is it bankruptcies?

There was a pause. No reply came.

Then I heard, “ Wait and watch”.

I asked God for a Scripture and was led to Ezekiel 26: 9-13 (KJV)

And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he shall break down thy towers.
By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach.
With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets: he shall slay thy people by the sword, and thy strong garrisons shall go down to the ground.
And they shall make a spoil of thy riches, and make a prey of thy merchandise: and they shall break down thy walls, and destroy thy pleasant houses: and they shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water.
And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more heard.


Ezekiel 26:16-18
Then all the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and lay away their robes, and put off their broidered garments: they shall clothe themselves with trembling; they shall sit upon the ground, and shall tremble at every moment, and be astonished at thee.
And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!
Now shall the isles tremble in the day of thy fall; yea, the isles that are in the sea shall be troubled at thy departure.

Swarna Jha

YAHSHUAH is the sole expression of the glory of Elohim, the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine, and HE is the perfect imprint and very image of Elohim's nature. Heb 1:3a

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