Tuesday, October 27, 2009

( MUST SEE) “By His Grace” (VinnieActs2030’s Testimony)


Having a bad day? Do you feel alone and abandoned? Know that nothing is impossible with God. I am proud to say that Vinnie is my dear friend and brother in Christ.

Be blessed,

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Hi All,

All blogs here, including comments, have now been exported to ONE BLOG.



Swarna Jha

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009



12th May 2009

I saw this vision last month.

Down below, I saw an aluminium pot. From a deeply dug trench, came a fire that was heating the pot.

People were going about to and fro from their work and daily routines.

It appeared that a long time ago, a group of people had dug a trench, and lit a fire. Upon the fire this group of people had placed an aluminium pot. Everyone down below for a period of time had forgotten about the pot. The group had long disappeared and now the people who remained on the ground, suddenly noticed the pot, as they went about their daily routines.

The people could not see where the fire was located, all they saw was an aluminium pot heating up. From down below, the aluminium pot looked the size of a domestic pot. None could see that the pot had grown into a giant size.

None in this vision, knew what was in the pot, but all anticipated that whatever was in that aluminium pot would soon boil, and the pressure in the pot would cause the lid to blow.

People down below were in a state of panic.

The aluminium pot had a steel lid, but the rims that fitted within the pot were aluminium.

On either side of the pot was a drop down handle.

Gradually the people became aware that the pot was larger than they thought, but none could see the exact size it had grown. It looked smaller from down below.

The first group of people came with metal rods twisted into a loop in the front and with that they intended to lift the pot, by it's handles.

None could see the fire.

As the people brought the metal rods near the pot, to lift it by it's handles, ( blind to it's giant size) they were burned by the heat of the pot and crashed to the ground.

I saw that the people uprooted a tree and tried to lift the pot with the branches on either side of the tree.

They too suffered burns and crashed to the ground.

Now I saw that there were watchmen to my left and right watching this scene.

The watchmen on the right were greatly perturbed by the growing size of the pot. Now the sounds of boiling could be heard by us and much later, by all the people down below.

The watchmen to my left ran away screaming to the people down below, " The pot is boiling,the pot is boiling,............ the lid will blow, run.....escape.......or all of you down below will be scalded or drowned by the hot water."

The watchmen to my right also thought that it was water boiling in the pot.

They too thought that this vision had concluded, but as they had not understood all they saw, they walked away shouting warnings about the part they did understand, to those down below, " Something's coming! Beware the lid will soon blow".

The lid had not blown yet, but now all the watchmen who had been standing to my left and right had disappeared to warn others.

It seemed somehow logical and scientific for all to think that the lid would blow and the boiling water from this giant pot would splash down below and due to the vast volume of it, flood the ground and scald and drown all below.

I saw that the people down below scurried to find shelter. But as none knew how large this aluminium pot really was, I found that they still stood within the range of the likely spill.

Now within the vision at some point I too wondered if I was to shout down a warning as to the size of the giant aluminium pot. But I was instructed rather, to keep watching the pot and not shout any warnings.

I wondered if that was the end of the vision. This entire scene related above, repeated before my eyes for days. Each time this vision repeated, I was instructed to " Watch the pot".

So I watched the pot.

Earlier on, for a moment I too had wondered if what was boiling in this giant pot that nearly reached the skies, was water. But as I understood within the vision that I was not to leave but stay exactly where I was, and watch the pot, I began to understand that there was more to this vision.

Now I listened closely to the sounds of boiling.

At first, something about the sound of the boiling and later an odour ( I was not allowed to smell it) now absolutely confirmed that whatever was boiling within was definitely NOT WATER.

As I listened further, I was now made to understand that within the pot was a deadly cocktail of every mild and strong intoxicant known to man, every regional/ cultural brew, every alcoholic spirit. Furthermore also within the pot were every mild and strong 'mind altering drugs' and strong painkillers, snake venom, etc known to man.

The ' deadly strange brew' boiling within had cannabis, heroin, 'magic mushrooms', every alcohol, every mild and strong home brew with alcohol content, every hootch, every mind altering chemical, drugs etc known to man.

This was what was boiling at a furious pace within the aluminium pot.

So now for a split second, I wondered if the lid would blow and splash and burn and drown all down below with a flood of this deadly strange brew.

As I stood there wondering, suddenly above the ever growing aluminium pot appeared what looked like a mammoth sized tea-strainer. Except that it was not made of metal but of ICE.

The giant strainer, was fashioned from one large sized very thick block of ice, and had holes in the bowl.

Suddenly, the lid of the aluminium pot blew, and the deadly strange brew flew through the 'ice strainer' above it causing the liquid to cool through it, and this now cooler 'deadly strange brew', 'rained' down on all below.

People who had been standing back, were sprayed by this deadly strange brew and were amazed that they were not burnt. They could not see the ice strainer above, so they were amazed that 1) the liquid was not water 2) whatever had spilled and was flooding their environment was not boiling hot, but was rather cool, and did not scald them as the watchmen had warned. 3) And that their worst fears had not been realized, rather the brew was heady and immediately had a 'pleasant' effect on them.

So these people shouted to all those who had gone into safe places to hide, to come out and join them.

Within no time, the place was crowded with the returnees and the people sniffed at the brew, drank it, played in it.

It appeared that all these people had metal bodies under the skin of flesh. The brew was fatal, even a sip of it caused corrosion within.

They mocked at the watchmen who had warned that they would 'scald'.
" Well we's sure high on dis stuff, but we sure ain't scaldin'" they laughed.

I was not allowed to smell this deadly brew but could see the deadly effect it was having on people. They reeled to and fro, and had lost their equilibrium.

I saw one man attempting to stand up and move away from the flood he had been floating in. He stood for a moment upon a dry patch of ground that was untouched by the deluge. I saw that his face was blue, and his body was covered all over with a strange growth, that looked like fluorescent miniature orange-red wild berries, and both his legs from his calves down looked as if they were made of clay.

I was shown that below his calves, this man had neither flesh nor bones. The clay was empty and hollow within.

The man was unable to stand upright. The weight of his huge body was too much for the 'clay legs' to bear. He lost his balance. The clay crushed to powder and he toppled into the flood of this strange deadly brew. I saw that all who attempted to stand up, lost their balance.

Those who were not caught by the flood, lay on dry ground as even the whiff of this deadly brew made people lose their balance.

Yet, there were those who were determined that this strange deadly brew was a 'new wine' and had to be shared with those who had missed the flood.

I saw some people crawling on their knees, on dry ground, digging canals and waterways. They would channel this strange deadly brew to the rest of the world.

I saw a man caught in this flood, he did not look like the rest of the crowd. He quickly realized that the brew was deadly and detrimental to his health, and he was desperate to escape it but knew not how. He lifted up his right arm towards the sky. As he did this, his left hand that was feeble, was divinely lifted and placed over his face, covering his mouth and nose. He was removed from the flood and taken to a place of safety. He was covered in a shield. Neither the flood nor the smell would affect him.

Those who had escaped to dry ground presumed that they were safe. Whilst some drowned in this deadly brew, there were those who were yet floating in it, but they knew not that a slow and painful end awaited them.

It appeared that not only were the people to flee from what the intoxicated were calling, a 'flood of new wine', but they were to also avoid inhaling this strong smell.

Those on dry ground, near to the flooding and those world over, seemed unaware that a strong wind would sweep this intoxicating smell around the world and those who inhaled this were also in danger.

I noticed that those far away from the flood, presumed they were safe. They did not discern that the heady smell that was permeating the atmosphere was hazardous to their health, and they were to seek the Lord to be shielded from it.

After having escaped the flood, those nearby presumed they were safe. Many among those around the world, presumed that as the flood had not come to them, they were safe. They did not understand that though the flood would not hit all, the heady, intoxicating, over-powering smell of the strange deadly brew would permeate the entire atmosphere. They were not to inhale this.
But no man by his own strength could avoid inhaling. Seeking the Lord was imperative.

Those who understood, sought the Lord and these were protected and shielded not only from the flood but also the strong intoxicating smell.


Isaiah 51: 22-23

Isaiah 52: 11-12

Swarna Jha

Monday, April 27, 2009



19th April 2009

I saw this vision just a few days ago.

I saw a long line of blind men wearing white uniforms, (like a street band) carrying white canes.

I could not see their faces. They were heading to a T-junction.

As they approached the end of the country road they had been traveling upon, they momentarily stood still before they navigated the main road.

Now I saw their eyes. They were shut. The eyelashes of all men were glued tight, so none could open their eyes. I saw that this did not bother them. As I looked closely as their ‘white’ garments, I noticed that their clothes had been brushed with white paint, and the clothes looked stiff.

Wheresoever they traveled, each would place their left hand on the left shoulder of the one before him, and in their right hand they bore this white cane.

The man who was first in line had no shoulder to place his hand on. He simply held onto the white walking stick.

Now before the men crossed over this road, barring the first man in line, all threw away their white canes, but their left hand continued to rest on the shoulder of the one before them.

Out of nowhere, a woman in a white short dress, pleated from the waist, and a white satin cape over her shoulders, joined this group of ‘blind men’.

She was playing a drum.

In any case the men did not seem sure where they were headed, so when the woman with the drum began to lead them, they had no objection.

The woman now veered left and all the men turned in that direction. It was remarkable, how they knew where to turn, considering that the man first in line did not have his hand on the woman’s shoulder.

I understood that he was guided by the drumbeat. As the man turned so did all who followed him.

Soon this strange ensemble arrived in a large place where people from world over were gathered.

Amidst these crowds, were people of importance who had great international influence.

The men and women gathered from world over were the influenczars. They liked to exercise influence upon others, and changing people’s minds about beliefs they long held.

The influenczars had not been satisfied enough by the influence they bore on this white coat community. They felt they could do more.

They needed a considerable number of such men and women to influence, and then send them out, to influence others.

I understood that these influenczars were people who exercised great clout in governments, media, entertainment etc.

They were looking to expand their base. Looking to influence and recruit more people.

The influenczars already had recruits from the world wide Christian community, but found that their marketing strategies lacked a certain something.

They studied the Christians closely. The manufacturers, producers, the media, the mafia, all were studying Christians.

They found that the Christians they polled were gullible and would believe anything as long as it had a token ‘God’ word. They saw that Christians liked ‘prophecy’, they were fascinated by the ‘signs of the times’, and they believed that God wanted to make them rich, and realize their hidden dreams.

Based on the poll data they had accumulated, they engineered the news reports and items, so that the gullible Christians would see ‘God’ and a ‘prophetic word’ ‘hinted’ in their writings and their actions.

Gullible Christians had a penchant for material things, and the influenczars had plans for them.

The influenczars knew that there were residing in the hearts of these gullible ones, ‘unfulfilled dreams’, desires, cravings, which they had not yet surrendered to God. Now the influenczars had plans underway, to awaken the hidden desires of these gullible Christians, and allow them to believe that God Was Speaking through their news items, political reports, their game shows, their consumer products, their ideologies etc. The influenczars had already had great success in this, and now had expansion plans.

The influenczars understood that like all others, these gullible Christians were just consumers, it’s just that what they would consume, needed to be tailored and spiced with suggestions of 'prosperity', 'Armageddon',' restoration' and all such words and sentiments that appealed to their emotions. The influenczars could now speak, write, depict whatsoever they pleased, and help the gullibles see 'God' in it. The influenzars could make the gullible do anything they pleased.

They were controlling the minds and emotions of the gullible.

The influenczars knew that the Christians at large liked to study the times, so they laced their news with hints of ‘spirituality’, so that the gullible would not need to seek God. The newspapers, the T.V reports, the word of the unbelievers alone would suffice, in helping these gullible Christians to have a ‘godly perspective’ through ungodly means.

The influenczars were now controlling the emotions of the gullible. One pull of a string, and they could make the gullible feel fearful, joyful, excited , encouraged, inspired, panicked, angered, outraged, suspicious……..the influenczars had a firm hold on the gullible.

I saw this long line of blind men, follow this female drummer, from one counter to another, buying up news items, political views, ideologies, persepectives, and matchboxes to light up their hidden desires, that the ungodly projected as the ‘will of God’ for their lives.

As I watched this line of ‘blind men’ disappear into a large store, determined to go on a spending spree, I noticed that their walk had become most effeminate.

Swarna Jha

(posted 2008)
(posted 2007)

Sunday, April 26, 2009


26th April 2009

I saw this vision several months ago.

I saw 3 giant sized deep craters in the middle of the earth.

They were now empty.

Earlier, prophets of God had warned the people not to stay in places which were filled with garbage/refuse. They urged the people to leave the craters which were filled with refuse and seek the Refuge of God.

For a moment in time, the people believed and evacuated from the craters which were full of refuse.

The multitude of people had gone in search of cities of refuge, but they did not seek God for direction. They were confident that finding a city of refuge was no big deal. They presumed that anyone of reasonable intelligence could find such a hiding place.

They circled the mountain but found no cities of refuge. Before they knew it, they were back at the garbage filled crater, they had once evacuated.

As the people stood around the rim and peered into the craters, they were thrilled to see that the once refuse-filled places were now not only swept clean, but had enlarged, and were many times larger than when the people last dwelt there.

" Now that all the refuse is out, surely there's no harm in making these craters our 'cities of refuge', ............besides just look at the size of the craters.........though there are only three left, whereas there were many more smaller ones before, it seems to me that the Lord Himself Has amalgamated and enlarged these craters." the people reasoned amongst themselves.

These now swept-clean craters could easily house them all. The very fact that the craters though reduced in numbers were huge, made them all certain that this was a 'sign' from God. That God had in a divine way Guided them to 'cities of refuge,' though they did not seek Him.

I understood within the vision, that many a high and mighty man and woman had fallen from a great height and hit the ground, creating these craters that looked like they'd been impacted by a meteorite.

It seemed like a large group of 'the high and mighty' had fallen all at once, like a bundle tied together, to create such an impact.

The smaller craters were either flattened or amalgamated into the huge new crater.

Hidden in the walls and below the ground of these craters was all the old garbage, which contrary to the people's beliefs, had not been swept away but buried deep within.

The people had barely settled into these three giant sized craters, when they heard the voice of the true prophets of God shouting from afar, " Flee, flee, flee. He is our Refuge, not those craters."

The people were enraged at the prophets, " We will not flee. These are our cities of refuge", they shouted angrily.

The prophets shook their heads in disbelief, " Surely you don't believe that? those craters are not 'cities of refuge', they are 'cities of refuse".

Suddenly a whirlwind came and the voices of the prophets could be heard no more.

From within the craters and without, tonnes of flying garbage fell upon the heads of those who had taken 'refuge' there and the people in all three craters were buried under the refuse.

Proverbs 10:15
Proverbs 10:29
Proverbs 11:3

Swarna Jha


Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009, 12:49 PM

Shalom Swarna,

I recalled our conversation where I told you what HOLY SPIRIT said to me when I left the organized Church... "Do not go back the way you came...

This vision reminds me of that warning... We are not to go back into what we came out of... Se'lah~

That doesn't mean that we can't have gatherings with like minded and spirited people of Elohim, however, we must be very careful to not go back into the system that we came out of...

People are so "used" to having someone tell them what to do and when to do it, that they can't do hardly anything of themselves without first passing it before the so called "Pastor..."

So, when they hear the word, and it springs to life in them, they embrace it gladly and are obedient, but as in the parable of the sower, some falls on rocky ground, quickly springing up but due to lack of good soil, the word soon withers... So back they go into the "refuse" that they came out of... While they were gone, some changes were made, to keep the others from leaving, the program was spruced up, some different ministries started, etc, etc, and "wow" it looks to those who left as if they got it right this time!!! NOT!!! They would have been better off to stay instead of leaving the first time, because their fall this time is even worse...

Blessings, my friend, with HIS Shalom, Love, Grace, Mercy, and Wisdom... Amen!!! So Let It Be!!!





Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 4:36 PM

............ I am seeing now, the parables with which I feel the Lord has given you. I am understanding these parables now, with greater clarity.

Originally, this morning, I had started writing to you concerning my running into God again instead of into the forum as a refuge. Amazingly, in the forums, i did not find refuge. Peoples words have become craters as they are linked from one website to another in support of what they feel is right in their eyes. Amplifying the enemy and not the Living God. Oh how glorious God is when He is teaching someone some things!

I am chuckling right now, because people are being created in the image of the forum and not in the image of God, chuckling because I was one of those people, yet saddened to everyone who is pulled into them. Kind of like the dream I just sent to you of being in the ark to reach the land rather than jumping into hot water.

I am so thankful that He allowed me this lesson, yet very fearful of the sense of loss at the way He would teach me. He gave me a crash course in growth, and the growing pains were severe, but He is ever faithful in that I can now say that He did not lose me. I have a sense that I walked water to get to that ark as He would bid me to come, and once inside why leave?

We have a saying that if so and so jumped off a cliff, would you?

Obviously, even as a child with limited knowledge it does not seem plausible for us to make that jump as death would ensue. Yet as grown ups, we are ever gullible to jump/dive right in to what the latest flow is that will identify one as being pious, or having a little more knowledge than another person. Saved by our own workings instead of running into Him, that He do a complete conversion and or saving of the very soul that would totally depend on Him to remove the stiff white washing we have done that we may be washed white with Him and be flexible to go anywhere and see what things are being said or done. Sitting at His feet instead of at the computer to see if what you received was contingent with that which was being broadcast. I do not know if He will account it to me as losing my virginity to this that I went through, but I am praising the fact that He does not like divorce. There are all kinds of artificial insemination in these places, as well as rape, murder and the like.

All I can say is Glorious.

My readings last night were in Philemon, and where the Lord led me was being a slave to Him and not to anything else. This is becoming one, in that we might like many others have the boldness to say, that we would become accursed that many live, or forgive them they know not what they do, or do not charge this to their account, and even blot out my name, if you won't save them also.

Oh how glorious He is in His teaching.

So I say to you good morning this morning and this is the day that God has made, and I shall rejoice and be glad in it!!!

If He wants to, He can repair my beak or take it altogether, but just do not take Himself away from me.

Good and timely word/parable.

May He continue to bless you, as you shut out all interferences and seek His face.


Saturday, April 25, 2009


25th April 2009

I saw this vision a few days ago.

I saw an eagle flying.

The eagle had a twig full of olive leaves in it's beak. I noticed that there was no fruit on the twig. Just leaves.

Down below, I saw what looked like a man-made waterway.

The eagle with the olive tree twig was flying low, only just above this man-made waterway.

I was shocked to see the eagle clutching the olive twig in it's beak.

The leaves were plastic. The entire twig was plastic.

I was horrified. How could the eagle not know that the leaves were plastic.

I was about to question the eagle on this, when I heard,

" Watch".

I understood now that the eagle did know that the olive twig was plastic.

On the man made waterway was a large boat, modelled as an ark. The 'ark' was a muddy color and made of the cheapest plastic.

An eagle perched on the otherwise empty 'ark', looked up and on seeing the eagle with the olive twig, cried, " Land ahoy".

" It's a wrap", shouted another eagle which was standing on the banks of the man made waterway. I saw many eagles gathered there, watching, what I now understood was a 'rehearsal' for a disaster that they presumed had been 'prophesied'.

The entire scene made me think of Universal Studios. It looked like a movie-set, and the eagles as actors.

Within the vision, I was so horrified by the craziness that was unfolding before me, I found my mouth opening, as if I were about to shout a warning or a question to the eagles.

Then I heard,

"Keep watching".

I calmed down, and understood that I was to stay where I was and watch all that was transpiring. I was not to speak to these eagles.

I now looked closely at the eagles and saw that the wings of these brown unkempt looking eagles was covered in dust.

I was made to understand that these eagles who I saw flying low, actually were afraid of heights. The environment here suited them. They did not need to fly high.

None among these eagles seemed to remember who had originally 'prophesied' a flood. They never sought the Lord, but sought out each other and congregated daily at this 'movie-set'.

They wanted to prepare, and rehearse all that they had planned and prepared.

It seemed that a senior eagle had suggested that as the great flood in Genesis was quite dramatic, they should replicate the scene and rehearse their 'preparedness'.

So the sets were built and the eagles rehearsed.

I understood that these dusty eagles had been rehearsing the same scene for a long time. One eagle would fly overhead with an olive twig, and another down below would shout, " Land ahoy", and another would shout in conclusion, " It's a wrap".

Repeated rehearsals of this scene pleased the dusty brown eagles, as it made them feel 'prepared'.

I understood within the vision that the Lord Had repeatedly Sent Word to all eagles that they were to seek Him to know what they were to prepare for, and how.

The Lord Had Sent Word that disasters were coming but I understood within the vision, that the Lord Desired that His people prepare for the times, and varied disasters were a part of the times to come. The disasters were not the times, nor were the times all a series of disasters, for all. The times were complex.

If His People sought the Lord, they would understand the times. They would know that they were all to go to God and seek Him, for what each was to do, individually and corporately in these times, not in the coming disasters, but in the times, which held some varied types of disasters.

Not all physical disasters could be prepared for, but they who sought the Lord could prepare for the times. They who sought the Lord would know whether they were to prepare to stay where they were or to move, and what they were to do in relation to their physical and spiritual environment.

The times His people were facing required varied people to respond in varied ways. There would be those who would be untouched by physical disasters, but were nonetheless expected to seek the Lord for directions on what to do, in these times in their personal lives, in their ministries.

These were the times when many among the obedient would be launched and enlarged in their ministries, equally there would be those whom the Lord would Direct to silence.

One size 'preparation' would not fit all. One type disaster would not hit all.

Preparation for specific unforeseen disasters, based on presumption, was in itself a disaster. Preparation for the times was wisdom. This wisdom would equip the obedient for a wholesome preparation. To prepare for the spiritual and the physical.

When His People understood from the Lord Himself, what they were to do in these times, that understanding itself would help them circumvent certain disasters and be a help and solace to others.

Their godly preparation would help them to know what exactly they were to do in these times, even if the exact disaster heading their way was not revealed to them by the Lord, thier continual faith and trust in Him, would help them flower and fruit in the most hostile of environments. The hearts of those who sought Him continually, was not to seek physical rewards but to do His Will, whatsoever that might entail.

The main thing was not the disasters, but in understanding the times which for many contained varied disasters.

Those who sought the Lord and not man, would be led to prepare and their preparedness would be for the times. They understood that the times they were in contained more than just physical disasters. There were many deceptions and other simultaneous events underway in these times, which needed to be watched closely as they would affect the times to come. Those who sought the Lord to prepare them, would be equipped spiritually and physically.

I heard world over the sounds of many eagles rushing to 'movie sets' to rehearse for some some disaster or the other. They did not seek the Lord.

As the vision faded, I saw world over, such eagles rehearsing for a disaster that never took place, but were hit by that which they least expected.( spiritual/ physical / emotional / natural)

The obedient would understand the times and know what to do, the disobedient would build plastic sets and rehearse, and be hit by disasters they never rehearsed for.

Habakkuk chapter 3


Swarna Jha


RE: Comment by Francois

Sunday, April 26, 2009 6:03 PM

Though I am not a dream interpreter, this is interesting. The ark is symbolic of the covenant/faith--for it to be unreliable is strange with exception of ship wrecked faith. choppy water--could equal the storms that are on the horizon, that may cause this persons faith to be ship-wrecked.

Here we have another one diving off of it. What do you think Father is trying to tell us?
This is what concerns me about the dream I had--they were getting off the Ark or leaving the covenant, trying to get to the (promised) land.

Swarna, after I wrote to you, I remembered they were telling me to have faith, yet their faith was causing their death, even though they put on the insulated diving suits, they were succumbing to the hot water.


Francois Labuschagne said...


I guess it's no coincidence that I had a dream of an 'Ark' last night. It was modern but old. Throughout the journey the thing proved to be unpredictable and unreliable.

At one point the engines just went out and those onboard just kind of waited to see where it would go.Then it seemed that there was power again. It went on then off and was sputtering. I was hoping it would just work properly so we could proceed on the journey but as I lookied ahead the water was really getting rough.

Some severe rapids ahead.I woke and the thought I had was 'safe evacuation'. I lied thinking that the rough water would capsize the boat and I had to dive far away from it in order not to be sucked in by the sinking.

April 26, 2009 2:00 AM


Saturday, April 25, 2009 11:09 PM

Shalom Swarna,

I took the paragraph highlighted in blue and red, from the vision that you had... As I read this vision, I was struck by the word complex... This is a very "key" word in this whole vision... Everything is hinged to this one word... "COMPLEX..."

complex definition

com·plex (käm pleks′, käm′pleks′; kÉ™m pleks′; for n. always käm′pleks′)

consisting of two or more related parts

not simple; involved or complicated

Etymology: < class="ref" href="http://www.yourdictionary.com/flax" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">flax

a group of interrelated ideas, activities, etc. that form, or are viewed as forming, a single whole
an assemblage of units, as buildings or roadways, that together form a single, comprehensive group

an integration of impulses, ideas, and emotions related to a particular object, activity, etc., largely unconscious, but strongly influencing the individual's attitudes and behavior
popularly an exaggerated dislike or fear

The Lord Had Sent Word that disasters were coming but I understood within the vision, that the Lord Desired that His people prepare for the times, and varied disasters were a part of the times to come. The disasters were not the times, nor were the times all a series of disasters, for all. The times were complex.

Indeed, we are in "complex" times!!! WISDOM is not a choice, it is a prerequisite!!!

Definition Prerequisite

   /prɪˈrÉ›kwÉ™zɪtSPAN>, pri-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pri-rek-wuh-zit, pree-] Show IPA
required beforehand: a prerequisite fund of knowledge.
Synonyms:2. requirement, requisite, essential, precondition.

Blessings with HIS Love & Shalom...


YAHSHUAH is the sole expression of the glory of Elohim, the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine, and HE is the perfect imprint and very image of Elohim's nature. Heb 1:3a

Saturday, April 25, 2009 11:22 PM

In red


I have seen myself writing these replies below to you, before I wrote them, but not realizing it until after I wrote them.

First I will say that last night, I dreamed of a flood, and many were in, what I was going to call a boat, but in reality, had to be an ark, because the side was down going into the hull of the boat/ark.

I do not know why but people were jumping into the water and were dying because the water was hot-- so others got an idea of putting on the diving suits thinking they would be protected from the hot water--I would not go into the water and felt safe where I was, but for some reason people were trying to get to land, and were dying because the waters were hot.

I woke up thinking that I was a coward to not jump in, and was satisfied that I was where I was, though I looked with distressed as each would jump in and cleave to each other all the while screaming of the hot of the water. ----- I guess, I am the one needing the white coats now-- so just send here.

I wrote some responses in red below, which could be wrong.

25th April 2009

I saw this vision a few days ago.

I saw an eagle flying.

The eagle had a twig full of olive leaves in it's beak. I noticed that there was no fruit on the twig. Just leaves.

Down below, I saw what looked like a man-made waterway.

The eagle with the olive tree twig was flying low, only just above this man-made waterway.

I was shocked to see the eagle clutching the olive twig in it's beak.

The leaves were plastic. The entire twig was plastic.

I was horrified. How could the eagle not know that the leaves were plastic.
Cheap imitation-- one in which the conscience is touched but the heart is not renewed?

I was about to question the eagle on this, when I heard,

" Watch".

I understood now that the eagle did know that the olive twig was plastic.

On the man made waterway was a large boat, modelled as an ark. The 'ark' was a muddy color and made of the cheapest plastic.

An eagle perched on the otherwise empty 'ark', looked up and on seeing the eagle with the olive twig, cried, " Land ahoy".

The works of mans hands and not allowing the Spirit to garnish His temple the way He sees fit, that we may enter into the promise land/rest

" It's a wrap", shouted another eagle which was standing on the banks of the man made waterway. I saw many eagles gathered there, watching, what I now understood was a 'rehearsal' for a disaster that they presumed had been 'prophesied'.

I have to say that 3 years ago the Lord told me that a depression was coming, yet He did not say that it was He that was bringing it. Seems as if man is building their kingdom. Seems they are making their covenant with God instead of entering His Ark or covenant.

The entire scene made me think of Universal Studios. It looked like a movie-set, and the eagles as actors.
The christian masks need to come off, as well as the clothing to expose the wolf. My what big teeth they have! The better to devour they say.

Within the vision, I was so horrified by the craziness that was unfolding before me, I found my mouth opening, as if I were about to shout a warning or a question to the eagles.

Then I heard,

"Keep watching".

I calmed down, and understood that I was to stay where I was and watch all that was transpiring. I was not to speak to these eagles.

I now looked closely at the eagles and saw that the wings of these brown unkempt looking eagles was covered in dust.
Here is dust/soot again?

I was made to understand that these eagles who I saw flying low, actually were afraid of heights. The environment here suited them. They did not need to fly high.

Worldly things and not heavenly things--not graduating from secular to spiritual.
None among these eagles seemed to remember who had originally 'prophesied' a flood. They never sought the Lord, but sought out each other and congregated daily at this 'movie-set'.

I have been guilty of this instead of discerning, thought that I was wrong and went with the flow for bit-- easy to do sometimes.

They wanted to prepare, and rehearse all that they had planned and prepared.

It seemed that a senior eagle had suggested that as the great flood in Genesis was quite dramatic, they should replicate the scene and rehearse their 'preparedness'.

So the sets were built and the eagles rehearsed.

I still do not know what this storm shelter is for--but I was obedient to put it in the ground, so it is done if it does nothing but sit there.

I understood that these dusty eagles had been rehearsing the same scene for a long time. One eagle would fly overhead with an olive twig, and another down below would shout, " Land ahoy", and another would shout in conclusion, " It's a wrap".

This has me concerned--It's a wrap-- indeed the wrap is that of strange apparel -being dressed up instead of allowing the Lord to dress one in His righteousness.

Repeated rehearsals of this scene pleased the dusty brown eagles, as it made them feel 'prepared'.

I understood within the vision that the Lord Had repeatedly Sent Word to all eagles that they were to seek Him to know what they were to prepare for, and how.

Have been guilty of this myself, sad to say-- only because one persons consecration is different to another, and I was trying to fit in somewhere for a brief time when I realized I was not to fit in to this but to Him.

The Lord Had Sent Word that disasters were coming but I understood within the vision, that the Lord Desired that His people prepare for the times, and varied disasters were a part of the times to come. The disasters were not the times, nor were the times all a series of disasters, for all. The times were complex.

If His People sought the Lord, they would understand the times. They would know that they were all to go to God and seek Him, for what each was to do, individually and corporately in these times, not in the coming disasters, but in the times, which held some varied types of disasters.

Not all physical disasters could be prepared for, but they who sought the Lord could prepare for the times. They who sought the Lord would know whether they were to prepare to stay where they were or to move, and what they were to do in relation to their physical and spiritual environment.

The times His people were facing required varied people to respond in varied ways. There would be those who would be untouched by physical disasters, but were nonetheless expected to seek the Lord for directions on what to do, in these times in their personal lives, in their ministries.

These were the times when many among the obedient would be launched and enlarged in their ministries, equally there would be those whom the Lord would Direct to silence.

One size 'preparation' would not fit all. One type disaster would not hit all.

Preparation for specific unforeseen disasters, based on presumption, was in itself a disaster. Preparation for the times was wisdom. This wisdom would equip the obedient for a wholesome preparation. To prepare for the spiritual and the physical.

When His People understood from the Lord Himself, what they were to do in these times, that understanding itself would help them circumvent certain disasters and be a help and solace to others.

Their godly preparation would help them to know what exactly they were to do in these times, even if the exact disaster heading their way was not revealed to them by the Lord, thier continual faith and trust in Him, would help them flower and fruit in the most hostile of environments. The hearts of those who sought Him continually, was not to seek physical rewards but to do His Will, whatsoever that might entail. Triple amen

The main thing was not the disasters, but in understanding the times which for many contained varied disasters.

Those who sought the Lord and not man, would be led to prepare and their preparedness would be for the times. They understood that the times they were in contained more than just physical disasters. There were many deceptions and other simultaneous events underway in these times, which needed to be watched closely as they would affect the times to come. Those who sought the Lord to prepare them, would be equipped spiritually and physically.

Now I understand why He said would I go blind that I see.

I heard world over the sounds of many eagles rushing to 'movie sets' to rehearse for some some disaster or the other. They did not seek the Lord.

As the vision faded, I saw world over, such eagles rehearsing for a disaster that never took place, but were hit by that which they least expected.( spiritual/ physical / emotional / natural)

The obedient would understand the times and know what to do, the disobedient would build plastic sets and rehearse, and be hit by disasters they never rehearsed for.

Habakkuk chapter 3


Swarna Jha

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


22nd April 2009

I saw this vision last night, 21st April 2009.

I saw many eagles flying at mid-height. They were hovering over a barren place.

Nestled in their beaks was a very long red ribbon.

I saw that down below, in the centre of this stony place that the eagles were hovering over, was a giant-sized black forest gateau.

At first I thought that the eagles were attempting to gift wrap the cake with a red ribbon bow. I immediately wondered if I should shout out a warning to the eagles to tell them not to tie a red ribbon bow over the gateau as it would mar the icing and decorations on the cake.

I shouted no such warning. I understood I was to simply watch the vision that was shown to me.

So I continued to watch the vision as it unfolded.

I saw that down below, at mid-height, the eagles had by now each gathered hundreds of thousands of yards of this red ribbon. As these eagles struggled with the ribbon, they decided that more beaks were needed to hold the ribbon. They had barely sent word, when immediately other eagles from world over flew in to assist them. Each clutched bundles of ribbons in their beaks.

Eagles around the world were aware of this much publicized black forest gateau that had been sighted, and each and every eagle which participated in this event directly or indirectly, would receive a slice of this ‘restoration cake’. World over the vast majority of eagles were in a state of great excitement.

The multitude of global eagles, clenching yards of red ribbons in their beaks, now circled the barren place. They seemed determined to air-lift the ‘restoration cake’.

I saw that this enormous black forest gateau was resting on a giant sized square piece of cardboard platter that had a silver foil wrapped over it. As I examined the cake I noticed that it looked very soft and fluffy on the outside, but in the heart of the cake rested a heavy millstone. It did not seem to me that the eagles knew about the mill stone.

Whilst I was examining the cake, and wondering about the significance of the mill-stone, and why the eagles could not see it, I noticed that some of the eagles had already descended to the barren ground and were busy preparing for the cake to be lifted up by these red ribbons.

Everything was happening so quickly. The eagles swooped down and hastily wrapped the sides of the cardboard with the ribbons, and created a handle on each side of the square cardboard. The four ribbon-handles were then clenched firmly in the beaks of the multitude of eagles and now they readied themselves for lift-off.

The eagles remained unaware of the mill stone embedded in the gateau. The mill stone was of a weight that no power on earth could move.

Seeing that the eagles were having difficulties in lifting the ‘restoration cake,’ more eagles from world over flew to their aid.

The sky was filled with eagles. Sounds of cackling filled the air. The cake down below looked very appetizing to them and all were looking forward to eating a slice of this ‘restoration cake’.

As the eagles strained and pulled hard at the ribbons, I saw that their beaks broke.

Now every bird in the sky, clean or unclean gathered together, and began to mock and laugh at the eagles. Flightless birds on the ground also laughed and mocked at the multitude of eagles that had broken their beaks.

‘Lord, why did the eagles’ beaks break?” I enquired of the Lord.
“Because of their disobedience”, Came the Reply.

“Lord were they warned about the cake?” I enquired further.

“No” Came the Reply.

The Lord Had Sent no warning about the cake!

Now I was puzzled. If the eagles were not warned about the cake, how could they be termed ‘disobedient’?

I was then made to understand that the Lord Had earlier Sent several warnings to the eagles not to travel to the barren land. ( Wherein lay the cake).

A warning they had all long forgotten.

The disobedience came first, the cake came later. Had they not traveled to the barren land, they would not have seen the cake.

I saw that hidden in that barren land were many mill stones.

I understood that it was not so much that their eyes had failed to discern the mill stone in the cake, (that was not the issue here) it was about the failure of their memory.

They had failed to remember the Lord’s Warnings.

Now the broken beak eagles were devastated.

Down below, every clean and unclean bird was mocking them.

Several eagles quickly flew to a quiet spot and helped glue back each other’s beak.

Though from afar their beaks looked normal, up close, the crack was clear to see. They had decided that they would not let the Lord see them in this condition.

As the days passed these eagles now became fixated with their appearance. They were heart broken, that their beautiful beaks looked flawed. They could not remember what they had done wrong that the Lord should Deal with them so harshly.

Nonetheless, there were eagles amongst them, who at first were angry with the Lord for not warning them against lifting the cake, but later changed. At first they tried gluing and taping their beaks back together, but neither the glue nor the tape held together and the broken parts of the beaks fell to the ground.

As they sat quietly, alone, despondent, upon the rock, they remembered to their shame that the Lord HAD warned them, not about the cake, but about the barren land.

These eagles decided that they would go immediately before the Lord and repent of their disobedience. They knew in their hearts that God, if He so Desired Could Give them a new beak, but even if He did not, it would not bother them. They could live without their beaks, but not without Him.

Amos 3: 7,8

Swarna Jha

Sunday, April 26, 2009 5:51 AM

Shalom Swarna,

This vision also intrigued me... The Restoration Cake with a hidden Millstone in it... Also intriguing is the "barren land" that the eagles were warned to not go back to... Hmmmm!!!!!!!!!

As I read and pondered this vision, this is what came to my recollection...

There is a faction in Christendom who are fervently working to bring about the Government of Elohim in the marketplaces etc, etc... They believe they can "change" the way things are and make it "Christianized" if you will... They are very zealous about this...

I have pondered this move for several years now, as I was almost integrated into it in the late 90's, however, I seemed to be deterred from entering into it fully... My question about this bringing in Elohim's Government on earth caused me to examine the situation... My big question was this; Why would anyone in their right mind want this present system to continue??? All of Society in today, and back in the 90's as well was and is Anti-Elohim!!! Why do they want a patched up system that is like that??? Elohim said, Behold, I make all things new... If that is going too far down the prophetic line, then lets back up to the part where it says that the Government shall be on HIS "Christ's" shoulders... We shall reign with HIM a thousand years... Then after that, shall we enter into the eighth day, the day without end, ages without end, the Eternal Day...

Maybe I got off track, however, I don't recall that we are to bring in the "Restoration" but rather Elohim is to bring it into being... This is spoken of in Acts Chapter 3: 19-23 [AMPLIFIED BIBLE]
19So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of [d]reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord;
20And that He may send [to you] the Christ (the Messiah), Who before was designated and appointed for you--even Jesus,

21Whom heaven must receive [and retain] until the time for the complete restoration of all that God spoke by the mouth of all His holy prophets for ages past [from the most ancient time in the memory of man].

22Thus Moses said to the forefathers, The Lord God will raise up for you a Prophet from among your brethren as [He raised up] me; Him you shall listen to and understand by hearing and heed in all things whatever He tells you.
23And it shall be that every soul that does not listen to and understand by hearing and heed that Prophet shall be utterly [e]exterminated from among the people.(B) (Emphasis mine)

Again, maybe I missed it here, however, I personally don't want this Godless society patched up... I desire something new and pure...

Whatever Father brings forth, I will accept, for HE knows, the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end... Amen!!!

Blessings with HIS Love, Shalom, Grace & Wisdom...


YAHSHUAH is the sole expression of the glory of Elohim, the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine, and HE is the perfect imprint and very image of Elohim's nature. Heb 1:3a


Anonymous said...

On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples.(E) All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And(F) all the nations of the earth will gather against it.
Zech 12:3,443

Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits. 44 And the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him."
Matt 21:43,44

And in the days of those kings(see Dan 2:35) the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever.
Dan 2:44

April 24, 2009 8:12 AM

Comment by Huan from Malaysia

your new posting
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:30 PM

Hi Swarna

Just to let you know I totally bear witness to your latest posting 'eagles and the restoration cake' !!! I told my USA friends about the millstone hidden in the cake.........


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


21st April 2009

Around the end of 2008, I saw this vision.

I saw some leaders in America. They had the gift of the gab, and were spewing forth ‘gabbage’.
Though academically unqualified, these folk were ‘experts’ on every topic under the American sun.

These men and women were known in the land either as ‘patriotic’ Christians or supporters of the ‘’patriotic’ Christian cause’.

These leaders were eloquent and had a particular gift for inciting raw emotions.

Had they been obeying the Lord, they would have had the ‘gift of discernment’, to help them veer clear of trouble, and these leaders would have not spewed ‘gabbage’. They would have remained silent, studied the environment, and understood that there was wisdom in keeping a ‘low profile’.

But how could they be silent?

Here was an opportunity to make a name, get fame and augment their income, do some ‘popular Christian works’, promote their cause, and be known as the ‘movers and shakers’ of Christendom, and all this when the economic climate looked bleak!

They considered themselves as ‘Josephs’ with barns full of ‘knowledge’ and ‘wisdom’ to feed the famished, of course at a cost!

These threw caution and good-sense to the wind and became utterly reckless, in words and deeds.

On the other hand, the Christians who sought the Lord were slow to speak, and preferred to wait on the Lord to get a godly perspective on events that were unfolding. They understood that this was the time for godly shrewdness; this was the time to keep a low profile and watch from afar. These would speak only that which the Lord Led them to.

But what the prudent spoke was not verbose enough for the people with itching ears. The gullible wanted leaders who would mouth venom, reflect their anger and suspicions, and jump to the same ‘confusions’ they had. They wanted leaders to keep the strange-fires burning.

The gullible in America, did not need to look too far to find their ‘messiahs.’ It seemed like round every street corner was lurking a leader who had all the answers and would ‘deliver’ them.

Sound judgment was thrown out with the garbage and now ‘gabbage’ was in.

The prudent maintained a low profile. They spoke when the Lord Led them to, and knew when to remain silent.

The man-pleasing leaders basked in their popularity and played to the gallery. The gullible believed the ‘gabbage’ to be the Word of God, and every act of the leaders as a ‘Move of God’.

The prudent did not want to speak idle words. They waited; they watched and kept a low profile. They understood that far too much was happening around them, and far too many opinions were out aiming to cloud their minds. They were content to move step by godly step, in understanding all that was playing out in the environment.

The prudent would speak and act, when God Led them to.

The man pleasers would speak anytime, any place, anywhere. For them anytime was a good time. They mixed up issues, and knew not the difference between the political, financial or spiritual, but were brash to speak on them all, with great ‘expertise’, and claim their words and thinking to be based on the Word of God and Kingdom principles. They did not lack 'believers'.

These impetuous, loquacious leaders were ‘Jack-of-all trades’. The butcher, the baker, the candle-stick maker all rolled into one.

I saw that those, whom these verbose leaders opposed vehemently and termed them ‘enemies’, were themselves long since, studying the plans of these ‘gabbage’-spewing leaders.
Now their ‘enemies’ were watching them.

And their ‘enemies’ had plans for them.

As I wondered what would happen to these ‘gabbage’ spewing leaders, I heard:
“They will be noted and neutered”.

I understood that in due course of time, the plans and projects and influence of these 'high profile ' leaders and their 'high profile' followers would first be ‘Noted’ and later ‘Neutered’.

It appeared that in times such as these a 'low profile' was the most advisable.

Whilst the prudent due to their godly low profile, were easily hidden when danger was nigh, the 'high profile' of the 'gabbage-spewers' had made them 'sitting ducks'.

No matter who the enemy, known or unknown, the 'gabbage spewers' had by their careless words and ways, made themselves so predictable, so easy to provoke, so easy to be 'NOTED AND NEUTERED'.

Swarna Jha

Sunday, April 26, 2009 5:25 AM

Shalom Swarna,

There are numerous ways of essentially neutering someone, or essentially making them of none effect... This intrigued me, so I went to the Dictionary... You used a term that I was unfamiliar with, called "Gabbage" so again I went to the dictionary... Very interesting... On talk Radio, there are untold Gabbagers, as well as some pretty well known "Christian" ones and some on the Internet... There are some serious men and women who speak TRUTH also, and do not indulge in trash talk or gossip... Once again, the Key Word here is WISDOM... This again, is not an option or choice, but a prerequisite!!!



1. Having no organs of reproduction... (My Remarks) They could no longer produce others like themselves, as before...

2. Neutral, siding with no one... (My Remarks) In essence, ineffective, not as they once had been...

A person or thing that is neutral... (My Remarks) Incapable of causing trouble or being a hindrance...

Gabbage- Trash talk-- Gossip... (My Remarks) This is an abomination unto Elohim...


People who are attending the Tea Parties, are being photographed, as agents are infiltrating these meetings... Those attending Gun shows are being photographed also... The "Internet" users are also being cataloged, as I mentioned earlier... All emails are read at some time or another... I have known this for years... Key words will flag a message... This is true in phone conversations also... In fact it started with the telephones, before the computer age...

Blessings, with HIS Love, Shalom, Grace and Wisdom...



Saturday, April 25, 2009 10:36 PM
Shalom Swarna,

Somewhere around 2000, I was visiting with some Christian friends not far from where I now live... This friend had bought a new computer, top of the line,and was showing it to me... I only had an old one, very slow, and not much memory on the hard drive...

While I was kneeling beside his computer, watching him work it, HOLY SPIRIT spoke something into my spirit that literally shook me... It shocked me... Mind you this was in 2000...

HOLY SPIRIT said that in the coming time, not too distant, that the Christians on the Internet would be tracked down by those who monitored the Internet and would be persecuted... The only way that they would be able to send correspondence without being snooped on would be to have a covered email circuit...

This was so real, and so powerful that I got somewhat scared... I had a minister friend that I was interceding for who was in Argentina... I had a word to send to this minister, and I was fearful that if I sent it that it would be spied upon... So I did my best to mix up the way that I sent it... I know it sounds silly, but that is how real HOLY SPIRIT made this fact known to me... After a while I told my friend what had been revealed to me, and as time went on, the fear diminished, but I have never forgotten that Word...

This goes right along with this vision, as I see it...

Blessings, my friend...


YAHSHUAH is the sole expression of the glory of Elohim, the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine, and HE is the perfect imprint and very image of Elohim's nature. Heb 1:3a

Comment by Randy Maugans, U.S.A

RandyM said...

Swarna's latest release---could be called "itching ears" and "tickling tongues". It falls very close to home. Early this year I felt instructed to no longer keep our shows on a weekly 'schedule', but to release shows as they became "mature".

This vision dovetails with the vision "Raiders Of The Airways" :

> I saw that in the guise of wanting to learn and hear the truth, infiltrators/spies had even invaded the domain of the Raiders of the Airways. But the truth lovers, would in due course of time, by godly discernment and godly shrewdness, deal with them.>

> Christian and non-Christian media was being spied on and infiltrated by those holding an altogether other view.>


Randy Maugans-The Threshing Floor

April 22, 2009 4:57 AM

Comment by Tina Baxley, U.S.A

Thursday, April 23, 2009 4:55 PM


I just left your vision noted and neutered.

Boy I hope they get neutered soon, before people get impregnated with all the doctrines that seem to be going about. This is nothing less than rape for some and for the itching ears, there is adultery.
May God help us.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


15th April 2009

I saw this vision 14th April 2009.

I saw an alley.

Alleys such as these can be found in America or Europe.

The environment was slightly damp and a little cold.

On either side of the alley were old red brick buildings. Over a period of time, most of the brick on the side walls had blackened, due to the weather, the environment. Though the old buildings looked as if they had undergone restoration at some stage, (as on either side the walls looked strong), I got the impression, that the side walls facing the alley had not been cleaned for a long time.

I did not see the front of these buildings.

Midway in the alley, nearest to the side wall of the building on the right stood a green dumpster.

The single color, green dumpster had no writing on it, no art work, no sign to identify which local Municipal Corporation, commercial premises, (or individual) this dumpster belonged to.

As I continued to look at the dumpster, suddenly from the left, darted forth several young dogs.

They were fawn colored greyhounds. Their athletic bodies were solid colored, with no speckles or streaks.

This pack of young dogs raced straight to the dumpster. They jumped up several times, but were unable to touch the rim of the dumpster as they were not tall enough.

To my surprise, these dogs, which initially looked only a little older than puppies, all of a sudden grew taller, and now every hound jumped and successfully clasped the rim of the dumpster.

I now saw that not only the fawn greyhounds but the dumpster had grown taller too.

I saw that these extremely tall fawn greyhounds were standing on their hind two paws and with the front paws they grasped the rim of the dumpster. Each dog stood in his place, holding firmly the top edge of the dumpster.

It was a strange sight.

More strange was that these dogs neither peered nor sniffed inside the dumpster. These greyhounds looked well trained and athletic. They did not look the type that ate from dumpsters.

Yet, here they were clutching at the edges of the dumpster.

Until now I had not seen the inside of the dumpster.

Suddenly in a flash, I saw the contents of the waste receptacle.

On the top was a spiral bound book, beside it some papers, documents. The white top page of all the papers and this spiral bound book was blank. It appeared as if all the written matter was concealed beneath the blank pages.

It seemed odd that these papers were not shredded before they were discarded.

Beneath the papers and all around was what seemed to be regular trash, food, old cloths, cartons, cans etc.

Before I could see what else the dumpster contained, I was astonished by what followed.

In a synchronized move, all the fawn greyhounds, which now had a firm grip on the dumpster, tilted it so that the dumpster fell on it's side, and all the garbage spilled out into the alley.

I was surprised to see that these fawn greyhounds simply tilted the dumpster and vanished.

They neither sniffed nor touched any of the food that spilled out amidst the other garbage. They remained focussed on the task they had been sent to do.

Where had these fawn greyhounds come from? Who sent them?

In a flash I saw that their trainers who had dispatched them, sat in a breeding farm that was located a distance away to the extreme top left. Their eyes affixed on the dogs, were monitoring every move, these canines made.

Now I could see the bottom portion of the dumpster. Attached to it’s entire underside was a white plastic basket. In the centre of the basket was a bulky hose. This hose dipped into an opening to a sewer. The opening was the size of the underside of the dumpster.

The bulky hose dipped into the cesspit. Sudden pressure, from beneath, caused it to pump forth old damp garbage that had remained rotting underground for so long. It was a fountain of filth. These garbage items that poured forth from the sewer, could not be identified as they were soggy with decomposed filth.

I was not allowed to smell the stench, but I understood that the rancid smell permeated the entire atmosphere.

Now none could cross this alley as it was filled with this stinking garbage.

To the north, facing the front of the red brick buildings was a wide street.

Beyond the street were metal railing painted green.

Past the railing was a narrow canal. Facing the canal were other red brick buildings. Between these edifices was an alley, in which stood a green dumpster, identical to the one described above.

After having spilled the first dumpster, in a flash the dogs disappeared.

It appeared that they had been expertly trained to tilt the dumpsters and then simply vanish.

Every movement of the fawn greyhounds looked well rehearsed, and synchronized. The entire ‘operation’ was conducted with surgical precision.

These dogs disappeared from this alley in a flash, and now, as I looked straight ahead, again, in a flash, they re-appeared.

The trained pack of fawn greyhounds were now heading towards the alley facing the canal.

I understood that wheresoever there were such green dumpsters, the fawn colored greyhounds would tilt them causing the dumpster to fall on it's side, and forcing the garbage to spill over into the alley and the exact same type of cesspits beneath would pump forth dirt through the hose, into the attached plastic basket and out of the dumpster.

Thus far in the vision I had seen no people.

I wondered how those who lived or worked in the vicinity coped with the stench from the spilled garbage, and bursting sewers.

As the vision faded from me, I saw men and women walking about.

They avoided walking in the alleys, and to evade the stench, I saw some had clothes pegs on their noses. (Clothes pegs such as are used on a bamboo stick)

Others had their noses buried in crumpled giant sized white cloth napkins which were doused in eau de cologne.

As I looked at the dogs, it seemed as if these hounds were trained exclusively for this work, and that they occupied themselves with nothing else, but tipping over dumpsters. Whilst I saw only two such dumpsters tilted in this way, I understood that in whichsoever alley such green dumpsters stood, these fawn colored greyhounds would appear there and the scene such as described above, would re-enact.

The movements of the dogs were so well synchronized. They seemed to have undergone rigorous training at the breeding farm. I understood that they would continue in their 'mission', until recalled by those in the breeding farm. I saw that the dogs looked cool and calm and very focussed, throughout.

Were these fawn greyhounds also capable of physically attacking people, I wondered.

I asked the Lord,

“Lord are these dogs vicious?”

“The dogs are not vicious, but those who train them are”, was the Reply.

Swarna Jha

Jeremiah 12 Vs 14

Jeremiah 12 the whole chapter.

Monday, April 13, 2009


10th April 2009

Today, in this vision that I saw of America, I noticed that the atmosphere over the nation was covered with soot.

A strong wind blew this soot and smeared the faces of people who were out and about, and stained their clothes. Everything in sight was covered in fine particles of soot.

These fine particles of soot blanketed and blackened buildings, and people.

Due to the wide surface/expanse of the buildings, the soot appeared more evenly spread, but looked more layered upon the faces of the people out in the streets.

I wondered where the soot was coming from.

I now saw a few extremely wealthy men dressed in white tie.

The atmosphere was chilly.

It was morning, so I was surprised to see these rich folk in clothing normally associated with evening wear.

Each of these men was in their mansions.

Something about their demeanor and environment, reminded me of 'old money'. They looked like landed gentry, rich from the inherited wealth of many generations. I understood within the vision that they owned vast estates.

The men looked so impressive in their white tie. I do not know what it was about their appearance, but as I examined their impeccable formal attire, I was reminded of South American leaders, of the 50's-60's. I do not know why either, but I half expected to see them wearing decorative sashes, over their shoulder.

I saw that they wore no such sashes.

These men of great inherited wealth, looked very enthusiastic. Each of them was having their fire-place and chimneys cleaned and the soot from these places was being blown all over America, by a strong wind. I did not see the faces of the chimney sweeps, but only the faces of these rich folk who were supervising/monitoring the work. The chimney sweeps were hidden from view.

As I saw this vision unfold, many thoughts crossed my mind.

Why were their chimneys and fireplaces coughing up so much soot?
And why were such rich men monitoring and supervising such a mundane task?
Why were they nor their estates not tainted by the flying soot?
Why were they not concerned that the entire nation was affected by this soot, and what indeed was the purpose of cleaning out the chimneys, I wondered.

As I continued to watch the vision I saw that though it was yet early in the year, they were cleaning their chimneys so that they could have 'Santa Claus' visit them all through the year, and they could celebrate 'Christmas', year round.

Even before these chimneys could be fully cleansed these men were already partying and celebrating. The older folk, dressed in formal attire, danced in the ballroom, whilst the younger partied in an adjoining large room. Though the main door to this large room was shut, it opened only to this exclusive group of young invitees. A few youngsters had come out for air, and hung around outside this door. They wore bizarre psychedelic 60's outfits. When some of the youngsters swung the door wide open to enter the room, I saw that it was quite dark inside and was fitted out like a disco.

These rich folk, young and old appeared very confident and anticipated a regular bonanza. Santa Claus would come bearing them gifts they'd long hoped for.

They had been advised that if they cleaned their chimneys, Santa Claus could slide down year-round, bearing them gifts.

It seemed that these well dressed folk with 'old money', had never before experienced such high level of excitement and anticipation.

Whilst the chimneys of their own mansions and those on their vast estates were swept, I saw that they were also purchasing houses with chimneys, nation wide. It seemed like a 'chimney-take-over'.

They were not really interested in the houses, just the chimneys.

I saw later that not only did they purchase houses with chimneys, but towards the end were building vast industrial sized chimneys. It appeared that now they were not only making room for 'Santa Claus', but also his 'reindeers'.

The top edges of the tallest chimney, which reached to the skies, curved like the lip of a fancy flower vase.

It appeared that these rich folk were preparing to have 'Christmas' year round and would no more need to wait till year end.

I saw that in every chimney building, or chimney cleansing activity these rich folk with 'old money', undertook, clouds of soot flew over the nation and soiled the buildings and blackened the faces of people on the street, but the soot, strangely did not touch their persons or their estates.

At the end of the vision I saw that as more soot covered the atmosphere over America, to the extreme left the coal dust which lay in a pile on an elevated place was displaced by a wind and now the environment was covered in soot and coal dust.

Swarna Jha


--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Joe D. Long.12:43 PM,wrote:

Shalom Swarna,

As I read the Vision "SOOT" once more, I was trying to see into the symbolism as to what this could pertain to concerning the world happenings... As I pondered this while reading it, as well as after reading it, this is what came to me...

This in no way negates what anyone else has seen concerning this vision...

As usual, give this the acid test of the Word...

Blessings, with HIS Shalom, Love, Grace, Mercy & WISDOM...


VISION: SOOT10th April 2009

Today, in this vision that I saw of America, I noticed that the atmosphere over the nation was covered with soot. I believe that this is the fallout from the Wall Street, Stock Market and Banking Crises that is still ongoing... It has affected everyone...
A strong wind blew this soot and smeared the faces of people who were out and about, and stained their clothes. Everything in sight was covered in fine particles of soot. The winds of the economy...
These fine particles of soot blanketed and blackened buildings, and people. This literally affects everyone and everything...
Due to the wide surface/expanse of the buildings, the soot appeared more evenly spread, but looked more layered upon the faces of the people out in the streets. I believe that due to the people having different amounts of stocks, and savings and debt, this is why the layering is more so on the people...
I wondered where the soot was coming from. I believe it is from lost savings from the people as well as money from the economy...
I now saw a few extremely wealthy men dressed in white tie. These would be the Fat Cat Wall Street Icons and Bankers, as well as the Federal Reserve Bankers...
The atmosphere was chilly. One might call this a Financial Winter...
It was morning, so I was surprised to see these rich folk in clothing normally associated with evening wear. They know that there has been a sacrifice and they are up and about to glean the fat from the carcass before anyone else...
Each of these men was in their mansions. The Bankers and especially the Federal Reserve Bankers haven't been hurt by this... I believe "personally" that they orchestrated this...
Something about their demeanor and environment, reminded me of 'old money'. They have controlled the World for eons...They looked like landed gentry, rich from the inherited wealth of many generations. Indeed, they have inherited their fathers fortunes from stealing the wealth of the working people... I understood within the vision that they owned vast estates. Indeed they do, such as the Bilderbergs, and all the big Foundations, I do not have to name them...
The men looked so impressive in their white tie. I do not know what it was about their appearance, but as I examined their impeccable formal attire, I was reminded of South American leaders, of the 50's-60's. Like Plantation owners... Like Dictators... I do not know why either, but I half expected to see them wearing decorative sashes, over their shoulder.

I saw that they wore no such sashes.

These men of great inherited wealth, looked very enthusiastic. They are cleaning out the coffers of the U.S. Treasury, and all of the Banks...Each of them was having their fire-place and chimneys cleaned and the soot from these places was being blown all over America, by a strong wind. This could in essence be the burning of America, and its economy... These men are the ones responsible... I did not see the faces of the chimney sweeps, but only the faces of these rich folk who were supervising/monitoring the work. The chimney sweeps were hidden from view.

As I saw this vision unfold, many thoughts crossed my mind.

Why were their chimneys and fireplaces coughing up so much soot? Again, America and its economy going up in smoke from the tactics of these super rich people...

And why were such rich men monitoring and supervising such a mundane task? They knew the importance of what they were doing and did not want anything to go wrong...

Why were they nor their estates not tainted by the flying soot? It wasn't their life's blood and savings going up in smoke... They still had their money and now everyone else's...Why were they not concerned that the entire nation was affected by this soot, and what indeed was the purpose of cleaning out the chimneys, I wondered. They were making their own World the way they wanted it, with only the ones in it that they wanted... The others were worthless and extra baggage...
As I continued to watch the vision I saw that though it was yet early in the year, they were cleaning their chimneys so that they could have 'Santa Claus' visit them all through the year, and they could celebrate 'Christmas', year round. Indeed, it was as if Christmas would be every day now, as they realized that their long awaited for goals had been achieved...
Even before these chimneys could be fully cleansed these men were already partying and celebrating. Just as Nero fiddled while Rome burned...The older folk, dressed in formal attire, danced in the ballroom, whilst the younger partied in an adjoining large room. The NWO celebration getting into gear... Though the main door to this large room was shut, it opened only to this exclusive group of young invitees. A few youngsters had come out for air, and hung around outside this door. They wore bizarre psychedelic 60's outfits. When some of the youngsters swung the door wide open to enter the room, I saw that it was quite dark inside and was fitted out like a disco. The party of satan...
These rich folk, young and old appeared very confident and anticipated a regular bonanza. Santa Claus would come bearing them gifts they'd long hoped for. These dreams have been since the fall, and now they were being fulfilled...
They had been advised that if they cleaned their chimneys, Santa Claus could slide down year-round, bearing them gifts. They would in essence as well as literally have total control over all the money, and could do as they wished at anytime they so desired...
It seemed that these well dressed folk with 'old money', had never before experienced such high level of excitement and anticipation. Again, the dreams of their fathers and forefathers as well as theirs, were now a reality...
Whilst the chimneys of their own mansions and those on their vast estates were swept, I saw that they were also purchasing houses with chimneys, nation wide. It seemed like a 'chimney-take-over'. Indeed, a Nation wide takeover of America...
They were not really interested in the houses, just the chimneys.
The Chimneys as you referred to them for Santa Clause (Santa also spells satan) were the conduit for the wealth, as well as the burning of the old system of wealth/businesses/economy of America... They were ushering in their own system, now...
I saw later that not only did they purchase houses with chimneys, but towards the end were building vast industrial sized chimneys. It appeared that now they were not only making room for 'Santa Claus', but also his 'reindeer's'. This could imply a total clean out of the old system and their implementing the new system...
The top edges of the tallest chimney, which reached to the skies, curved like the lip of a fancy flower vase. The so called Utopian Luciferian Society...
It appeared that these rich folk were preparing to have 'Christmas' year round and would no more need to wait till year end. The false promises of Lucifer...
I saw that in every chimney building, or chimney cleansing activity these rich folk with 'old money', undertook, clouds of soot flew over the nation and soiled the buildings and blackened the faces of people on the street, but the soot, strangely did not touch their persons or their estates. They see themselves as the Chosen Ones of Lucifer...
At the end of the vision I saw that as more soot covered the atmosphere over America, to the extreme left the coal dust which lay in a pile on an elevated place was displaced by a wind and now the environment was covered in soot and coal dust. The enemy is bent on the total destruction of America, as well as the World and all who are within it... Nothing he does is good... This symbolizes the total destruction of the economy and face of America, by the elite rich who are empowered by satan...
I could be totally wrong on this, so give it the Acid Test of The Word... joe d. long~

Swarna Jha

YAHSHUAH is the sole expression of the glory of Elohim, the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine, and HE is the perfect imprint and very image of Elohim's nature. Heb 1:3a

Comment by Tina Baxley , U.S.A

Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 11:09 PM


I just left your soot vision. I am perplexed as this is the stuff that I have seen leave a relative and dart to the back of the property, where I then had my chickens, which a couple of days later the rooster was dead--no apparent reason,, but he was just dead.

This is also the same stuff that I have seen blowing down our street at various times, and yet there was no wind propelling it. It just looked icky and the sense that I got was that it was icky and sin.

This is also the same substance that I seen out of the corner of my eye one evening and rebuked it, however when I went to sleep this soot went down my throat.

When I awoke my throat was hurting and I asked Father to heal it and immediately the pain left, so I went on about my day. As the day wore on, I was as if I had a computer virus, just slow and as if everything was in slow motion. I would cough and it tasted like -well I would have to say fire and brimstone--or burning rubber.

It went deep into my lungs as if I could feel it in the lower lobes. I then developed a fever, and it was as if I heard that I was going to die. I called a friend of mine and he said let's pray--so he prayed and as he prayed whatever was there had left, but he saw Fathers finger go in and sweep my throat and mouth and lungs, and said it is finished.I am concerned, because twice I had opened my home to a certain person trying to help them and when they left the first time I was sick for several weeks and I do not usually get sick--the second time, I asked him to leave because something was not right with what I was sensing.

Do you think that this is black magic stuff, linked with sorcery and witch craft?

As for what I experienced, it too was bizarre, I have never in my life experienced such---The cough was deep though there was no smoke, nor sputim/phlegm, but the tatse was as if burning rubber. And as I stated to you, this was the second time that this happened upon the visit of a person whom I was trying to help. The first time it hit my husband first-- I prayed for him and his fever left and he was fine immeadiately yet I received that which he had and it was horrible, but I just did not put two and two together.

I was sick with upper respiratory problems for a couple of months--it was as if my prayer for me just did not count at this point. Then the second time he came I actually was feeling something was not right and asked him to leave--somthing I do not do- yet as I stated I seen this black dust/soot out of the corner of my eye, while reading scripture.

I said out loud, I see you and I rebuke you. Anyway, as I woke up I had a severe sore throat, and asked for healing--Father did this-- then as the day went on, I was sluggish and then a fever took me and I am serious when I heard that I was going to die. So a friend prayed and I was healed/delivered or what ever happened.

I have seen this black dust/soot going down my street and there was no wind to push it--it just seemed evil. I have seen this a couple of times.

I know all this seems like a fantasy-- but I promise it is not--these things have happened. Upon moving here a friend of mine came over and seen this it woud have to be 10 to 12 foot thing standing at the front porch and looking into the neighbors yard. My friend said that it did not seem to be a Godly thing and was wearing a hat. Anyway, I anointed all doors and windows and asked Father to put His angels around the border of the house and the property.I can tell you of a friend of mine who called me and told me that her sister, who is just receiving Yeshua, and had some similar things happen.

She was sitting in the tub and washing and when she let the water out, there were worms going down the drain. Later she asked what was burning and everytime she opened her mouth smoke would come out and it too tasted like burning rubber.

This girl was being cleansed and her sister who was a client of mine seemed to be upset with me because I said that the Lord would use her mightily, because she had no problems with being taboo of what she was and has done through the course of her life.

My client always wants something warm and fuzzy, and tries to cover up somethings.

I want NO PART of DARKNESS. The prophesy over me said that the enemy has tried to take my life many times-- am I embarking on that now? Yes I have had close calls with doing some foolish things and with things that were normal, yet it is the unseen that we do not realize that we are protected of.
