Friday, May 15, 2009



12th May 2009

I saw this vision last month.

Down below, I saw an aluminium pot. From a deeply dug trench, came a fire that was heating the pot.

People were going about to and fro from their work and daily routines.

It appeared that a long time ago, a group of people had dug a trench, and lit a fire. Upon the fire this group of people had placed an aluminium pot. Everyone down below for a period of time had forgotten about the pot. The group had long disappeared and now the people who remained on the ground, suddenly noticed the pot, as they went about their daily routines.

The people could not see where the fire was located, all they saw was an aluminium pot heating up. From down below, the aluminium pot looked the size of a domestic pot. None could see that the pot had grown into a giant size.

None in this vision, knew what was in the pot, but all anticipated that whatever was in that aluminium pot would soon boil, and the pressure in the pot would cause the lid to blow.

People down below were in a state of panic.

The aluminium pot had a steel lid, but the rims that fitted within the pot were aluminium.

On either side of the pot was a drop down handle.

Gradually the people became aware that the pot was larger than they thought, but none could see the exact size it had grown. It looked smaller from down below.

The first group of people came with metal rods twisted into a loop in the front and with that they intended to lift the pot, by it's handles.

None could see the fire.

As the people brought the metal rods near the pot, to lift it by it's handles, ( blind to it's giant size) they were burned by the heat of the pot and crashed to the ground.

I saw that the people uprooted a tree and tried to lift the pot with the branches on either side of the tree.

They too suffered burns and crashed to the ground.

Now I saw that there were watchmen to my left and right watching this scene.

The watchmen on the right were greatly perturbed by the growing size of the pot. Now the sounds of boiling could be heard by us and much later, by all the people down below.

The watchmen to my left ran away screaming to the people down below, " The pot is boiling,the pot is boiling,............ the lid will blow, run.....escape.......or all of you down below will be scalded or drowned by the hot water."

The watchmen to my right also thought that it was water boiling in the pot.

They too thought that this vision had concluded, but as they had not understood all they saw, they walked away shouting warnings about the part they did understand, to those down below, " Something's coming! Beware the lid will soon blow".

The lid had not blown yet, but now all the watchmen who had been standing to my left and right had disappeared to warn others.

It seemed somehow logical and scientific for all to think that the lid would blow and the boiling water from this giant pot would splash down below and due to the vast volume of it, flood the ground and scald and drown all below.

I saw that the people down below scurried to find shelter. But as none knew how large this aluminium pot really was, I found that they still stood within the range of the likely spill.

Now within the vision at some point I too wondered if I was to shout down a warning as to the size of the giant aluminium pot. But I was instructed rather, to keep watching the pot and not shout any warnings.

I wondered if that was the end of the vision. This entire scene related above, repeated before my eyes for days. Each time this vision repeated, I was instructed to " Watch the pot".

So I watched the pot.

Earlier on, for a moment I too had wondered if what was boiling in this giant pot that nearly reached the skies, was water. But as I understood within the vision that I was not to leave but stay exactly where I was, and watch the pot, I began to understand that there was more to this vision.

Now I listened closely to the sounds of boiling.

At first, something about the sound of the boiling and later an odour ( I was not allowed to smell it) now absolutely confirmed that whatever was boiling within was definitely NOT WATER.

As I listened further, I was now made to understand that within the pot was a deadly cocktail of every mild and strong intoxicant known to man, every regional/ cultural brew, every alcoholic spirit. Furthermore also within the pot were every mild and strong 'mind altering drugs' and strong painkillers, snake venom, etc known to man.

The ' deadly strange brew' boiling within had cannabis, heroin, 'magic mushrooms', every alcohol, every mild and strong home brew with alcohol content, every hootch, every mind altering chemical, drugs etc known to man.

This was what was boiling at a furious pace within the aluminium pot.

So now for a split second, I wondered if the lid would blow and splash and burn and drown all down below with a flood of this deadly strange brew.

As I stood there wondering, suddenly above the ever growing aluminium pot appeared what looked like a mammoth sized tea-strainer. Except that it was not made of metal but of ICE.

The giant strainer, was fashioned from one large sized very thick block of ice, and had holes in the bowl.

Suddenly, the lid of the aluminium pot blew, and the deadly strange brew flew through the 'ice strainer' above it causing the liquid to cool through it, and this now cooler 'deadly strange brew', 'rained' down on all below.

People who had been standing back, were sprayed by this deadly strange brew and were amazed that they were not burnt. They could not see the ice strainer above, so they were amazed that 1) the liquid was not water 2) whatever had spilled and was flooding their environment was not boiling hot, but was rather cool, and did not scald them as the watchmen had warned. 3) And that their worst fears had not been realized, rather the brew was heady and immediately had a 'pleasant' effect on them.

So these people shouted to all those who had gone into safe places to hide, to come out and join them.

Within no time, the place was crowded with the returnees and the people sniffed at the brew, drank it, played in it.

It appeared that all these people had metal bodies under the skin of flesh. The brew was fatal, even a sip of it caused corrosion within.

They mocked at the watchmen who had warned that they would 'scald'.
" Well we's sure high on dis stuff, but we sure ain't scaldin'" they laughed.

I was not allowed to smell this deadly brew but could see the deadly effect it was having on people. They reeled to and fro, and had lost their equilibrium.

I saw one man attempting to stand up and move away from the flood he had been floating in. He stood for a moment upon a dry patch of ground that was untouched by the deluge. I saw that his face was blue, and his body was covered all over with a strange growth, that looked like fluorescent miniature orange-red wild berries, and both his legs from his calves down looked as if they were made of clay.

I was shown that below his calves, this man had neither flesh nor bones. The clay was empty and hollow within.

The man was unable to stand upright. The weight of his huge body was too much for the 'clay legs' to bear. He lost his balance. The clay crushed to powder and he toppled into the flood of this strange deadly brew. I saw that all who attempted to stand up, lost their balance.

Those who were not caught by the flood, lay on dry ground as even the whiff of this deadly brew made people lose their balance.

Yet, there were those who were determined that this strange deadly brew was a 'new wine' and had to be shared with those who had missed the flood.

I saw some people crawling on their knees, on dry ground, digging canals and waterways. They would channel this strange deadly brew to the rest of the world.

I saw a man caught in this flood, he did not look like the rest of the crowd. He quickly realized that the brew was deadly and detrimental to his health, and he was desperate to escape it but knew not how. He lifted up his right arm towards the sky. As he did this, his left hand that was feeble, was divinely lifted and placed over his face, covering his mouth and nose. He was removed from the flood and taken to a place of safety. He was covered in a shield. Neither the flood nor the smell would affect him.

Those who had escaped to dry ground presumed that they were safe. Whilst some drowned in this deadly brew, there were those who were yet floating in it, but they knew not that a slow and painful end awaited them.

It appeared that not only were the people to flee from what the intoxicated were calling, a 'flood of new wine', but they were to also avoid inhaling this strong smell.

Those on dry ground, near to the flooding and those world over, seemed unaware that a strong wind would sweep this intoxicating smell around the world and those who inhaled this were also in danger.

I noticed that those far away from the flood, presumed they were safe. They did not discern that the heady smell that was permeating the atmosphere was hazardous to their health, and they were to seek the Lord to be shielded from it.

After having escaped the flood, those nearby presumed they were safe. Many among those around the world, presumed that as the flood had not come to them, they were safe. They did not understand that though the flood would not hit all, the heady, intoxicating, over-powering smell of the strange deadly brew would permeate the entire atmosphere. They were not to inhale this.
But no man by his own strength could avoid inhaling. Seeking the Lord was imperative.

Those who understood, sought the Lord and these were protected and shielded not only from the flood but also the strong intoxicating smell.


Isaiah 51: 22-23

Isaiah 52: 11-12

Swarna Jha