Wednesday, February 27, 2008


VISION: The I’s of America
27th February 2008

This vision, which is but a glimpse of the changes I saw taking place in America, has been unfolding since the first week of January 2008.

I saw the sky circling over America, covered in the alphabet I.


Down below, in the centre of the land, I saw televangelists, famous teachers, preachers, revivalists, and quite a few rich and poor, point gleefully to the sky and say, “ Look, I am the pillar of America”.
Christendom was mouthing a lot of I’s, and now the sky was reflecting those I’s.
But to the undiscerning, those I’s appeared as pillars.

I saw that as more and more people identified their I’s as pillars, the ground below began trembling slightly. None who stood there knew that the ground below was trembling.

The ground they stood on looked dry and dusty.


Now down to the south, I saw a slightly open hole in the ground. The hole in the ground was long meant to be filled up and closed. I saw a man wearing denim dungarees, and a red and white checked shirt, but the white after many washes looked pale yellow. It was made of a thick material. The clothes looked as if they were frequently laundered, and were now worn out and the collar of the shirt looked frayed.

I saw that though the man in the dungarees held a shovel in his hand, with which he was to cover the hole in the ground, (near which he stood), nothing about his clothing suggested that he had been doing that work.
There was no mud on his boots, no dust on his clothes.

Now as those standing in the centre of the land shouted I I I I I, I saw that the hole in the ground was gently caving in. The dust was smoothly sliding down. But before the man in the denim dungarees could quickly cover the hole, he saw those standing in a mega building complex wave to him, beckoning him to return to the building.

It appeared that an esteemed guest, one among those shouting I I I I I , was arriving that evening.

Those in the mega buildings complex wanted the man to leave his work and help with placing decorative plant pots around the buildings. Now the buildings' complex was miles long, which meant he would not be returning to fill that hole that day.
I understood that that had been the pattern.

I understood within the vision, that initially many had been appointed to fill those holes, but barely had they begun the work that someone from the mega buildings would call them to do some frivolous work, like put up the Christmas lights, pray for the pastor’s wife’s broken fingernail, come and join in prayer for the pastor to receive the desires of his heart, a rolls Royce, or Jaguar etc. The work of most in those mega buildings was to spend time praying that the pastors and their wives receive the desires of their heart. That the desires were biblically unsound, none stopped to wonder. They just did as their leaders told them.

In this way, all the workers who had been appointed to fill the hole, so that that which was buried could not escape back up to the surface, had always been recalled, to help with such tasks and chores that were incredulously frivolous. Due to this, there was an expanding gap in hole.
I saw that the workers wearing dungarees did not protest either. They simply re-positioned themselves in whichsoever direction their leaders wanted them to go. They found that asking the leader what to do and then following his instructions was quicker than waiting on the Lord to find out what He Wanted them to do or where He Wanted them to move.


I saw that the dust and mud were now slowly caving in. The shouts of I I I I I, were getting louder and more delirious.

Through the gap in the hole, I saw that there were giant sized snakes who had been dormant, their venom had been taken out of them, and they had lain there near death, dry and withered looking. Some looked like just bare snake-skins, with no body within.

The air that the snakes now smelled and breathed through this opening was so conducive to their growth, that these snakes were now being revived. Their venom was returning to them, and their bodies were filling up. They could now breathe and move. They were waiting for the hole to get bigger and bigger so they could all emerge out of the hole, and not one by one, or just a few at a time, as they had been doing.

The constant shouting of I I I I I, helped the opening in the hole to get bigger and more enlarged. Suddenly, the giant sized snakes emerged from the hole and as they exited, I saw that the hole was now the size of a large crater.

The giant sized snakes, with a translucent light green skin, emerged.

I saw that the first thing every one of those giant snakes did was to gobble up the other smaller snakes that were in the land.
These giant snakes were seven times as large and dangerous. They were filled with venom, which was thick and green in color. It looked like green jelly.

Now I saw that having devoured the smaller snakes, the giant snakes were moving at great speed and were wrapping themselves around tall buildings , tall steel cupboards and those people who were shouting I I I I I .
( I saw later that some were fire-snakes. People who were fascinated by them wanted to ride piggy back on them. As they flew away many down below shouted, " Look, the chariots of fire", none realized that the people who flew away on the snakes, would be taken to a desert and dropped in a place where there was no food or water, or a way of finding them. Such would be counted among the lost.)

Towards the borders all around the land stood men and women in ancient shepherds’ clothing. They had been given staffs by the Lord. Beneath their feet were holes they had filled- in tightly with mud, and now the shovels were laid at their feet as they stood firmly on the filled ground, to keep it tightly shut.


I now saw that the snakes were hissing and spitting. So the sound was

“Did ya hear that?” asked the tele-preachers and all those who had said, I I I I I .
What were distinctly the sounds of snakes, such were being mistaken now for a ‘new song’.

All over the land, these ‘I’-saying folk were telling the people to listen to the
‘new song’.

The shepherds who were standing around the borders, holding their staffs, heard the sounds and were grieved.

They spoke loud and clear but those listening to the HISS AND SPIT sounds could not hear them clearly.

These shepherds who has been Given staffs, spoke boldly.

“Hear O America” they said, “ Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life".

“ You guys are such spoil-sports, for years you’ve been saying repent repent repent……….you’ve been prophesying disasters that have nothing to do with the sin in the land, and I ask you what sin? The sounds you hear are the sounds of restoration. We’ll be recording these sounds and sending them world over, to share these blessings with those poor natives in 3rd world countries. We’re the most generous nation on earth, ya know, we don’t hoard such blessings, we sell them”, shouted back one of the I-I 'prophets'.

Now after the shepherds spoke that which God Laid on their hearts, I saw them stand silently along the borders. They stood firm upon the holes they had filled with mud. They would not allow anything they had buried beneath the ground to surface again.

They watched the land for a while, then I saw them simply bow their heads as they could no more watch the filth they saw multiplying around them. They now simply bowed their heads and leaning on their staff and worshipped the True and Living God.

Inside the mega buildings I saw some leaders also dressed as 'shepherds' but they had plastic staffs. Their clothing was of machine made fibers, and they looked like characters acting in a nativity play.

Now a strange sound was heard in the midst of this hiss and spit.

It was that of a death decree being read, and it reminded me of the decree against the Jews in the Book of Esther.

This ‘Haman’s Concept’, had found the approval of certain 'church' leaders, who were like Ahasuerus, and now the concept had turned into a decree.

The decree involved death to Christians ( world over) by the flooding of false doctrines, novel concepts and all teachings unbiblical and unholy, to take gullible people so off course, that it would lead to certain death.

The shepherds with staffs, who stood along the borders heard the decree, but the hiss and spit sounds, were distracting the multitudes.

Many of the greedy leaders were far too busy, pronouncing their own sugared decrees over the airways in America. They were pronouncing peace and prosperity over a sensual people, steeped in harlotry, which were tickled pink, hearing these pleasing decrees. So what with the sounds of hiss and spit, and the sugared decrees, they heard not the foreboding sounds of Haman’s decree.

The shepherds on the borders warned:

“Hear O America; hear the deadly sounds of the decree against you. Your life is at stake. Repent, call on the Name of Jesus Christ, and turn from your wicked ways”.

The people who were steeped in harlotry replied, “ 'Course we hear the decree! We’re not deaf! The decree we hear prophecies peace and prosperity and the sound is as sweet as sugar, so why are you fear-mongering, you enemies of fun and frolic?”

The airways had been filled with the sounds of these sugared decrees. Had the ‘prophets’ kept silent and not been hollering sugared-decrees, the menacing sounds of Haman’s decree would have been heard.

The Ahasuerus’ were the undiscerning' church ' leaders, who did not fully understand the repercussions of this ‘Haman’s decree’, so they fully gave their signet rings to the Hamans, to endorse the decrees.

I saw the Absoloms running rampant and the Issachars were nowhere in sight.


Now I saw black shiny drain pipes nation-wide. People, money, projects, goods, relationships, etc just about everything a man possesses was going down the shiny-black drain pipes. People who were wasting precious resources stood gleefully by the black shiny drain pipes and gave the drains a standing ovation.

They thought it was fun.

It was a celebration of waste.

It appeared that those who wasted the most were admired and received celebrity status. I saw money being spent like there was no tomorrow. “Eat, drink, be merry,” they shouted, their voices hoarse with shouting sounds of revelry, “for tomorrow we die!”

I saw great waste and a great many insurance cons around the nation.


If someone says there is honor among thieves, this means that even corrupt or bad people sometimes have a sense of honor or integrity, or justice, even if it is skewed. ('Honour among thieves' is the British English version

Now I saw that an odd few amongst those who had been fleecing the flock, actually heard ‘Haman’s decree’.

They were horrified. They were thieves, but not murderers.

Enraged they went to the shepherds who stood on the borders and said, “We are thieves, sure but we would never commit murder, and this Haman’s decree is genocide! It must be stopped. Let us work alongside you to expose and fight Haman’s plans”.

“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. To fight this we must all come with clean hands. Repent and renounce your old ways before our Lord Jesus Christ, and then you can join us,” the shepherds counseled.

Hardly any wanted to give up fleecing the flock. With forlorn expressions on their faces, each began to disperse, and went back to their old life. But a miniscule few, who were truly grieved and bothered of the harm Haman’s decree planned to do, went down on their knees, repented and fell prostrate before the Lord, pleading, for the lives of those the decree was targeting. They put all their resources to this work.

The thieves who would not repent, formed their own union, but being as their own hands were tainted, they did more harm than good.

“Why should we listen to you? Have you not fleeced your flocks for years? Why should we not believe that you have a hidden agenda for some private gain out of all this?" The gullible people asked. So in a manner of speaking, they threw more people into the arms of Haman, than rescue them.

(Aired -January 2008-I think I had shared only fleetingly on one of the radio interviews about gypsies, also on another radio interview about 'Haman's decree').

I saw a ‘mobile people’ nation-wide. People were moving from here to there, and some did not stay long where they moved to, for they moved again.

I saw that only some among those moving base knew exactly why they were moving. The Lord Had Told them. But the many among those I saw moving, thought they were moving for better prospects / jobs / or because of the unforeseen circumstances, that had occurred, in their personal lives, or in their church / or nation.

I saw that the moving was causing many to leave their ‘mega churches’ of which they had been a member for a long time. Leaders were coaxing them to stay, “This is of the enemy,” the leaders said, “you are to stay here and help build this, my…..umm…. your local church”.

It was a very emotionally trying time for those moving. Suddenly, in the place and the ‘church’ where they had been so loved and admired and included in all the activities, the moment they announced their move, they were ‘frozen out’, by the others. The hearts of the ‘congregations’ towards them were revealed. They were being treated like traitors.

In a manner of speaking, this seemed to make it easier for those who were moving, as the cold attitude of others only made them more resolute to move and not consider the option to stay.

I saw some who moved without a word to anyone. They just slipped away in the night, with bag and baggage.

I saw that from amongst those who moved, there were some who never joined another church, nor planned to in the future. Their ‘church experience’ had put them off for life. Some chose to wait on the Lord to Divinely join them with those who truly worshipped and served Him.

I saw people moving across the nation in a zig zag formation. A few left for foreign shores.

Many who moved away from false and greedy ministries were glad. They seemed relieved. Yet, (as in the natural world) like captives who’ve been held captive for long, they continued for a while to speak well of their captors/abusers/manipulators.

I saw that this gypsy-dom was taking people out of the reach of those who took the census, or wrote/spoke confidently through the media via articles /books /T.V./ Cinema etc based on poll figures, released. Such people were an 'authority' on reading and explaining trends, based on poll figures released.

I saw poll figures seemed to be losing their credibility on many issues.

I saw an entire chunk of people, who were hidden from the pollsters.

So polls bore only part of the information required. The people who would have made their polls complete, were ‘missing’/ out of range, beyond the reach of pollsters.

An opinion vital to the nation’s well-being, was being held by these ‘gypsies’, many of whom simply disappeared from the society/systems' radar.

In times to come many Americans would say, “Hey, I didn’t know such groups / communities / peoples existed in our land. How could they have remained hidden for so long and we not notice?”


I saw those who had distanced themselves from harlotry, and preached and taught and prophesied against it, sitting on this side, alone on stone benches by the bank of a river. This place reminded me of a water-front picnic spot in Washington State which I visited in 1980. The place was tranquil. The men and women sitting alone on benches were leaning forward, their elbows resting on their knees, and they were simply staring ahead.

I saw that this river bank stretched from here to all the nation and then around the world.

The people sat there wondering what all that they had said, done, prophesied to the nation had been about. The nation looked as unrepentant as ever to them, and then news like Haman’s decree only made the scenario look bleaker. But they knew that that which the Lord Had Called them to do, they had done, diligently and joyfully. They understood that as regards the Haman’s decree, God Had Appointed skilled warriors- the shepherds on the borders to fight and rescue people from the clutches of fatal teachings and doctrines which if followed would surely lead to death.

So, that was the work that the shepherds who stood around the borders must do.

But what were they who sat by the river to do?

Suddenly each heard His Voice, “Have joy,” Said the Lord.

Each smiled a sad smile and shook their heads. How could the Lord Ask them to have joy, and laugh, when they could clearly see the kind of times their nation would someday face?

Suddenly they understood what the Lord Wanted them to do. They understood that all that was from the Lord, and had been prophesied to the nation, would come to pass in the order and severity that God Deemed fit.

They knew a day would come when the people would say, “ Oh, this was prophesied to us long ago, how we wish we had listened and prepared, then we would not have had to face such days and times.”

Those who sat on the river-side benches, understood, that the time to lament like Jeremiah would come, but now......................? Now they must be joyful, exactly as the Lord Had Commanded.

Yes, if the Lord Wanted them to have joy, then joy they would have! It did not matter what they were to do next. God Would Reveal that in His Time, but for now, they were to get rid of the sadness and grief that was clinging to them, and have joy.

As they understood this a big radiant smile broke out on their faces.

I saw all along the river, all who sat on those stone benches, broke out in a smile.

Until then none were aware of the others sitting by the river banks. But as each one smiled and had joy, they rose from the benches and the ‘sound’ of the smile, and the ‘sound’ of the joy in their heart made them visible to the others. I saw that they met and shook hands and talked with each other. The smiles continued on their faces and their hearts were gurgling with joy. I saw that all who had sat pensively by this river that flowed through the nation, and beyond, had risen and were meeting and forming groups.

They had understood that whilst the shepherds around the borders fought skillfully to rescue the gullible from the clutches of Haman’s decree, their work was to yield to the Lord and be Used of Him to prepare and build a place / an environment where those rescued from death could come and learn how not to be gullible again.

The people who had fled greedy ministries would come; those who had been rescued from Haman’s decree would come, and also would come, those who had never heard of the Goodness of God.

For the sake of such, the river-side people had to prepare now.

No matter who the people or where they came from, the fact remained that they would be a people in very dire need to hear, learn and understand the Goodness of God.

Yes they would come to worship in spirit and in truth Jesus Christ, King of Kings Lord of Lords.

World over, the river-side people were being divinely joined and assembled and sent ahead, for such a time as this, which would surely come.

The river-side people sang praises to their King.

Who would not rejoice at such news?


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