Saturday, February 23, 2008

Vision: Women On The Front-Responses


Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:26:14 -0800 (PST)
Response By-Sherry Mason


I wanted to share a vision that I had in the early/mid 90's.

In it I saw a set of scales (like the kind the statue of Justice holds). I knew these scales represented justice for women in the Body of Christ. I saw a man's thumb press down on the scales to balance them in his favor.

This reminded me of the story of how butchers, decades ago (when cutting meat), would put their thumb on the scale to make the meat weigh heavier thereby getting a greater price for the meat. It was usually women who did the shopping and so they were the one's being cheated.

I then saw a hand come down on the other side of the scales and in so doing brought the scales back into balance.

The Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me that He was bringing balance back concerning women in the Body and in ministry...etc. and that man (gender) no longer would be able to tip the "scales" in his favor.

The man's thumb being on the scale also relates to a saying....... to be under someone's thumb means to be dominated by them.


Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:48:20 -0800 (PST)
From: "Sherry Mason
To: Swarna Jha


I read the vision you had and it is true. I personally know many women who have already been through the name calling, accusations...etc. In fact I had the vision at a prayer meeting with other women who had experiences with being ostracized, criticized...etc. That is not why we were meeting. We all had a similar vision and purpose and we would meet to pray.

I, myself, have been called a Jezebel but I know that many men think that the spirit of Jezebel applies only to women and that is absolutely not true. I know that the times when I have gone to speak to someone in leadership because God has given me a word, that I am risking being kicked out or called names or told that I need to shut go in obedience and let God take care of the rest.

Sherry Mason

New Zealand
On Feb 19, 2008 3:34 AM,
Pauline Conlon


I was listening to this word and its answered a few patterns that I noticed from last year. Each time I spoke up and tried to correct in a leader I was rejected naturally but also I was mightily blessed I noticed. This vision answered this. I have been unusually blessed more then any other years and I thank the Lord very much for blessing my generation after me(son). I also noticed many of the personality traits and the Lord said for me this year that I would become influential amongst men this year and people will be blessed around me because of this..

I listen to many of your visions, you are a women of our times.. blessings Paula

Graphic and Web Design:

--- Swarna Jha wrote:
Paula, thank you for taking the time to write and encourage me. I am glad to hear that the Lord is Blessing you. Women, world over need to rise up and speak fearlessly, and fight the repression / manipulations of abusers, who twist the Word of God to excercise control, and think that they can get away with heresy.
I visited your site briefly, you are so talented.
May God Richly Bless you

Pauline Conlon
date Feb 20, 2008 1:59 AM

I like this talk, its focused on the word and concentrated and gives vision to us all from the Lord.
Its taught me from those few patterns last year that even though it causes conflict, it also is walking in the spirit, and God wants us to talk out. My most favourite person is William Wilberforce the one who stood up to the English parliamentarians to abolish slavery. The person the Amazing Grace film is told about. He stood up against the heavy and dangerous spirits and mindsets of the time and won, although it took many years and just about killed him.

Thank you for your comments on my website, it was something that God wanted me to do - (walking in the spirit) continue in the talents that He has given us.

Much blessings to you to Swarna - you are much respected out there amongst prophets, you are listened to pasted all over the world... Paula

Response By Priscilla Van Sutphin
date Feb 19, 2008 1:15 PM

subject Re VISION: Women on the Front

All I can say Swarna is wow...yes, it has been a very difficult walk here and this was a confirmation also of a vision Kathleen Pirl had also about those thought incapable coming to the front.

It is an interesting phenomonen that some men in the church don't mind women going off to places they could get killed, yet will not help or support their ministries.

There is so much pride in America expressed in a variety of ways. I've come to know more about many in high places that have used position and power to keep down the women.

In one conference, I got prayer from a very key leader.
I fell down on the floor by power of Holy Spirit, and while lying there some man walked right on my hand with his work boots on, never sensing he did it, no apology or anything. Yet my hand hurt, but was not broken, only barely bruised and hurting so that I could only drive home with one hand. The Lord then spoke to me how the men were "stepping on the hands of the women" and used this as an object lesson that He wanted me to speak on.

So many here will pretend to support you, but then with a mind to control or take over, or only wanting your anointing around so they could feed off it, but not allow you to teach or anything.

One woman had a vision of women mostly and some men,
Bound by grave cloths, like mummies. The women had babies on their backs, like papooses, but they all looked like the walking dead.

I have one friend though I can't support her ways sometimes of doing things, who pastors have actually prayed for her to die. The calling women jezebels is VERY common here to defend positions, and cruel prayers are prayed against them causing great suffering in the women.

I know many such women prophets who have suffered cruelly with afflictions and all manner of disease due to the jezebelic men in the church doing it. So this is a breath of life for them !

Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord & postings.



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