Wednesday, December 16, 2015

In love

In love

(Law, "Gleanings from the Book of Life")
Behold the overflowing riches of the grace
and love of Jesus. Every page of the Gospel
story teaches the feelings of His heart.

In love He receives His people as His own.
Before the world was framed, He inscribed
them on the tablets of His heart.

In love He undertakes their cause, and
espouses them as His bride.

In love He works out for them a
righteousness so bright, so perfect, so
glorious, that Jehovah's eye can find no
flaw, no spot, no blemish in it.

In love He beautifies them with His
shining robe, and fits them for the
banquet in the heaven of heavens.

In love He guards them from every foe,
and makes them more than conquerors
over all the hosts of darkness.

In love He makes all things to work
together for their good.

In love He leads them to lie down in the
rich pastures of Bible truth, and instructs
them in the Word which is "able to make
them wise unto salvation."

In love He will come again to receive
them to Himself.

In love He will present them pure and
blameless to His Father with exceeding joy.

In love He will dwell among them through
the ages of eternity!

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