Monday, April 27, 2009



19th April 2009

I saw this vision just a few days ago.

I saw a long line of blind men wearing white uniforms, (like a street band) carrying white canes.

I could not see their faces. They were heading to a T-junction.

As they approached the end of the country road they had been traveling upon, they momentarily stood still before they navigated the main road.

Now I saw their eyes. They were shut. The eyelashes of all men were glued tight, so none could open their eyes. I saw that this did not bother them. As I looked closely as their ‘white’ garments, I noticed that their clothes had been brushed with white paint, and the clothes looked stiff.

Wheresoever they traveled, each would place their left hand on the left shoulder of the one before him, and in their right hand they bore this white cane.

The man who was first in line had no shoulder to place his hand on. He simply held onto the white walking stick.

Now before the men crossed over this road, barring the first man in line, all threw away their white canes, but their left hand continued to rest on the shoulder of the one before them.

Out of nowhere, a woman in a white short dress, pleated from the waist, and a white satin cape over her shoulders, joined this group of ‘blind men’.

She was playing a drum.

In any case the men did not seem sure where they were headed, so when the woman with the drum began to lead them, they had no objection.

The woman now veered left and all the men turned in that direction. It was remarkable, how they knew where to turn, considering that the man first in line did not have his hand on the woman’s shoulder.

I understood that he was guided by the drumbeat. As the man turned so did all who followed him.

Soon this strange ensemble arrived in a large place where people from world over were gathered.

Amidst these crowds, were people of importance who had great international influence.

The men and women gathered from world over were the influenczars. They liked to exercise influence upon others, and changing people’s minds about beliefs they long held.

The influenczars had not been satisfied enough by the influence they bore on this white coat community. They felt they could do more.

They needed a considerable number of such men and women to influence, and then send them out, to influence others.

I understood that these influenczars were people who exercised great clout in governments, media, entertainment etc.

They were looking to expand their base. Looking to influence and recruit more people.

The influenczars already had recruits from the world wide Christian community, but found that their marketing strategies lacked a certain something.

They studied the Christians closely. The manufacturers, producers, the media, the mafia, all were studying Christians.

They found that the Christians they polled were gullible and would believe anything as long as it had a token ‘God’ word. They saw that Christians liked ‘prophecy’, they were fascinated by the ‘signs of the times’, and they believed that God wanted to make them rich, and realize their hidden dreams.

Based on the poll data they had accumulated, they engineered the news reports and items, so that the gullible Christians would see ‘God’ and a ‘prophetic word’ ‘hinted’ in their writings and their actions.

Gullible Christians had a penchant for material things, and the influenczars had plans for them.

The influenczars knew that there were residing in the hearts of these gullible ones, ‘unfulfilled dreams’, desires, cravings, which they had not yet surrendered to God. Now the influenczars had plans underway, to awaken the hidden desires of these gullible Christians, and allow them to believe that God Was Speaking through their news items, political reports, their game shows, their consumer products, their ideologies etc. The influenczars had already had great success in this, and now had expansion plans.

The influenczars understood that like all others, these gullible Christians were just consumers, it’s just that what they would consume, needed to be tailored and spiced with suggestions of 'prosperity', 'Armageddon',' restoration' and all such words and sentiments that appealed to their emotions. The influenczars could now speak, write, depict whatsoever they pleased, and help the gullibles see 'God' in it. The influenzars could make the gullible do anything they pleased.

They were controlling the minds and emotions of the gullible.

The influenczars knew that the Christians at large liked to study the times, so they laced their news with hints of ‘spirituality’, so that the gullible would not need to seek God. The newspapers, the T.V reports, the word of the unbelievers alone would suffice, in helping these gullible Christians to have a ‘godly perspective’ through ungodly means.

The influenczars were now controlling the emotions of the gullible. One pull of a string, and they could make the gullible feel fearful, joyful, excited , encouraged, inspired, panicked, angered, outraged, suspicious……..the influenczars had a firm hold on the gullible.

I saw this long line of blind men, follow this female drummer, from one counter to another, buying up news items, political views, ideologies, persepectives, and matchboxes to light up their hidden desires, that the ungodly projected as the ‘will of God’ for their lives.

As I watched this line of ‘blind men’ disappear into a large store, determined to go on a spending spree, I noticed that their walk had become most effeminate.

Swarna Jha

(posted 2008)
(posted 2007)

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