Monday, March 30, 2009


28th March 2009

I saw this vision on the 4th of June 2008.

I saw a large number of watchmen gathered on a high-place. There were three rows of watchmen. In each row the watchmen had their arms locked into each other. There was ample space between the three rows.

The men and women, all watchmen, stood in an orderly fashion. They stood firm, in their place, and could not be moved.

The area was covered in a gray cloud.

Behind the third row of watchmen was the cliff. A dark cloud was over the precipice, so none could see what lay behind or under the dark clouds.

Walking in their direction, quite a distance away from them was a large unruly crowd, of men, women and their children. They were out on an expedition, in search of mystics who performed Para-normal acts, and fore- told a bright future, to all and sundry. The mystics were known to tell ‘seekers’, about their exotic encounters, and exciting experiences, which could be theirs for a price. The mystics had secret knowledge on how to talk to dead saints, and how to travel the galaxies and interact with those the Book shunned.

Since the Book this crowd had once read made no mention of such mystical escapades, they decided that such a Book then could not claim to be complete in knowledge. So, they threw the Book away and decided to travel ‘light’.

According to their map, the crowd was to proceed ahead, but now these three rows of watchmen stood warning them not to proceed.

The watchmen repeatedly shouted warnings that the crowd were treading a dangerous path and were heading to the edge of a cliff and all would fall.

The crowd mocked and shouted right back, “That’s no cliff’s-edge”, they screamed on top of their voices. “There’s a secret path behind that dark cloud. You guys are so negative. We are positive. You see danger, we see opportunity. You see warnings, we see encouragements. Will you guys just look behind, it’s a rain-bearing dark cloud! Are you so blind?”

The people were yet a distance away from where the watchmen stood.

A few among the crowd were now in doubt. They halted in their tracks and didn’t move forward. They wondered why these watchmen stood in such orderly rows, atop the mountain. Who sent them there, and why? Could danger really be lurking behind that dark cloud? Or could it be that these ‘watchmen’ were really religious fanatics, joyless folk, jealous of the quest the crowd had set out on?

Others in the crowd were becoming impatient and argumentative. Many were trying to convince those among them who doubted the wisdom of their mission.

The leaders were furious that the watchmen’s warnings were creating doubts in the minds of a few.

After many talks and discussions amongst themselves, the leaders in the crowd incited the others to take up arms, so that they could forcibly silence and remove the watchmen who were repeatedly warning them.

Now the enraged crowd, incited by their leaders began gnashing their teeth, and raising their fists and weapons in the direction of the watchmen, who inspite of the threats, remained calm and unafraid and continued to warn them.

The leaders of the unruly crowd were livid; they screamed on top of their voices, “There’s a hidden path under that dark cloud. It says so on this mystic-map.”

“Such expedition as you have embarked upon is prohibited in the Book. Read the Book, it mentions no such map,” replied the watchmen.

“The Book does not hold complete knowledge. To know more about life’s mysteries, one must look outside the Book. Didn’t you know that you Book-worms? For your information, we threw the Book out, we’re traveling light. We know all there is to know from the Book. The Book does not have all the answers! We need more, and this map here, holds the promise of more”, said the crowd’s senior most leader, waving the map at the watchmen, as ‘proof’. “Now get out of our way”, the leader shouted.

Now the leadership of the mob, followed by the rest of their entourage, all wielding hand-made weapons, rushed towards the watchmen, shouting,

“Has God not Given us all a free will? Are we not all free men? Can we not of our own volition choose what we want? So now enough of your warnings! We’ve heard them all! Now, if we choose to proceed in this path to reach our desired destination, no matter what awaits us, do you think you can hold us back with your warnings?

The mob now looked uncontrollable.

The watchmen were unperturbed. They were just about to shout yet another warning, when they heard the Voice of the Lord Say to them:

“Move aside”.

The watchmen had learnt not to question the Voice of the Lord. Soon as they all heard the Voice of the Lord Say to them “Move aside”, the watchmen, neatly unlocked their arms and quickly moved aside, one group to the left, the other to the right and now the pathway for the crowd was ‘cleared’.

The bloodthirsty mob did not hear the Lord instruct the watchmen, nor did they see the watchmen move aside. They were shaking with fury and blind with rage. They ran with great speed towards the watchmen, waving and pointing their hand-made weapons. They planned to hurt, harm and trample the watchmen.

The mob lunged forth at great speed pushing along even those who on hearing the watchmen’s words had stood around in doubt and indecision. A cloud of dust collected around the crowd as they gathered speed and none could see ahead. There was chaos and mayhem.

Screams of shock, panic and pain were heard as they toppled off the edge of the cliff.

The dark cloud now lifted and the watchmen saw that many had plunged into the ravine. Those that had doubted and had been undecided were perched precariously mid-way on dry withered branches. The branches soon broke and they fell headlong into a bed of leaves. They let out blood-curdling screams as they fell.

The bed of leaves buffered their fall, though not fatally hurt; they appeared in a state of shock. Their hair was standing on end, as if electrocuted. Their appearance was unkempt. Their personal copies of the map were lost in the fall. The maps had upon them a strong smell which had given them a high.

Now as they arose from the bed of leaves, they looked like drug addicts suffering from withdrawal symptoms, who would do anything to get a fix. They went down on their knees looking for their maps.

Suddenly, in absolute frustration, they looked up. They saw the watchmen standing up above, and the Lord was in their midst. They realized that it was the Lord Who Had Sent the watchmen. They now stopped searching for their maps.

As they cried out to the Lord to take them out of there, they heard the Lord Say to them, “Remain where you are”.

“Remain where?” they wondered to themselves. As they turned, they saw several caves. Did God expect them to live in caves? Then they hung their heads in shame. They remembered that it was not the first time that watchmen such as these had warned them. But they had not paid heed.

They now understood that the caves were a place of learning. This was the place where they would learn from the Lord, and be completely rid once and for all, of their map-sniffing habits and the itch in their ears.

(Towards the end of the vision, as I had wondered what became of the children who had accompanied the crowd, I was shown that they too had also fallen on the bed of leaves a distance away from the others. They were divinely taken to the caves. There they would be taught and well looked after. Then at an appropriate time they would be sent to warn those who embarked on prohibited expeditions).

Down in the ravine, rocks were falling from a mountain that had split. A sudden flood of water was sweeping many away.

Most had lost their limbs and broken their backs. Some were clutching at rocks, hoping in their hearts to be rescued.

Those clutching at rocks looked up but could not speak. They were weak and faint but as they looked up, they saw the Lord above.

They simply raised their bloodied hand; with fingers spread wide, dripping with blood, they looked to the Lord for help. Parts of the skin on their arms were torn wide open and flesh and blood was oozing out profusely.

The rushing flood waters were sweeping over their eyes, but as they raised their hand for help, the waters receded from them a little so they were able to comfortably keep their eyes open. Now as they looked around they saw some caves to their right.

Men and women in white robes stood in a dry place, outside the caves, and they were looking up to the Lord, with reverence. The Lord beckoned these watchmen/prophets in white robes, to nurse those who had raised their hand for help.

These watchmen and prophets had been placed in these caves a long time before, to be available to do exactly this work, at such a time as this.

These watchmen and prophets did not step into the water to pull them out. For they knew before hand, that those seeking the Lord’s help, would be strengthened to swim the distance to where they stood.

When those who had raised their hands for help realized that these in white robes were God’s servants sent to help them, they were filled with a new vigor and swam towards the caves.

The prophets and watchmen took them to their respective caves and gave to them all that the Lord Had Sent for their nurture and recovery. In past times, these fallen ones had never acknowledged the prophets and watchmen of the Lord, rather they had disdained them.

They had despised true prophets and prophecies.

Now they readily acknowledged that these were the true servants of God, Sent to help them in their dire need. They saw that the Lord Had Provided amply for their needs in that hour.

They understood that in this particular hour, God would Send them Word through these prophets and watchmen, who would brief them as to what they were to do next.

Meanwhile, back at the flood, I saw that the others in the crowd, who had hit the bottom, lay scattered, in different places. The flood waters had strewn them in different corners.

I saw that though the leaders of the unruly crowds had lost their limbs, their mouths were spouting boastful words. Whilst others who survived looked undecided as to what they should do next, the leaders pointed towards the flood and promised that a bridge would emerge to take them to the place they were originally headed. Hearing this loud proclamation, those who had been scattered, crawled back to the spot where their leaders had fallen.

The leaders made boastful declarations, “I decree this…………..I decree that”. Then they set about to command the flood to recede, but rather the waters swelled.

One feeble voice from behind a rock, questioned the leaders, “Was what we did evil? Should we have brought the Book with us?”

The leaders countered this, “Hey, so what if what we did is evil? We’re alive………. And all is not lost; we’ve got our maps, in our pockets, and can yet make it to our original destination. The map is greater than the Book. And by the way, don’t any of you go believing that God is Dealing with us, ya hear ……….…Besides, remember even if we did evil, and evil mind you, is a relative term, nonetheless great good can come from evil.”

The person with the feeble voice, was consoled by these words, and believed every word the leaders spoke.

None of this crowd looked up towards the Lord, nor did they cry out for His help. They did not notice that a few among them had raised their hands for help and been taken away to safety.

They did not see the watchmen and prophets, nor did they see the caves.

This crowd was even now focused on their leaders who they were sure would get them out of their life-threatening situation.

They did not need God.

After being lashed about in the flood for a long period, the crowd became even more deluded and mistook the floating driftwood for parts of an operational bridge and grabbed at it. The flood raged and the people were swept away by the currents.

The waters rose to an alarming height and drowned them.

(I saw that not only the crowd mentioned above, but even other leaders world over, who deluded their followers, and persisted in their diverse forbidden endeavors, in spite of severe warnings, refusing to repent and turn away, such had a great fall, and their bodies were swept by the flood, and found floating from sea to sea.)

Now, as the vision came to a close, I saw their dead bodies floating atop the driftwood. Their cadavers were swept along by the waves, from sea to sea.

This was as testimony to their ‘demise’.

I saw that world over, people had gathered along the shores, and as they saw the bloated bodies float by, they lamented:

“Alas! O how the mighty have fallen”.

Isaiah 26: 9 KJV

With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.

Swarna Jha


Tuesday, March 31, 2009 6:11 AM

Shalom Swarna,

What an Awesome Vision!!! This vision needs no interpretation... It is so plain, so clear, that even a child can discern it...

Blessing, my friend!


YAHSHUAH is the sole expression of the glory of Elohim, the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine, and HE is the perfect imprint and very image of Elohim's nature. Heb 1:3a

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