Thursday, August 30, 2007

Transcript OF Audio-Vision: America O America


(RECORDED 15TH AUGUST 2007 in Bombay-India)




Father I pray, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for all those who are listening to this vision.
Lord, I pray that their love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;
That they may approve things that are excellent; that they may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.
11Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God. Amen

This is the first audio vision in the TELL-A-VISION SERIES

Vision: America O America

I was shown this vision part after part, from the 5th to the 11th of August. On the 6th of August 2007, late that night, I was lifted up by the Beak of The Dove, by a bone in my shoulder, and flown over the land of America . There was so much to see, and yet, inspite of all that I share here, it is but a glimpse.

The sky over America was grey. Around the land of America , this is what I saw:
I saw money but no wealth
food but no health
knowledge but no wisdom
Morals, in some churches, which are of no avail in the Kingdom

I saw eyes glued to see the American dream, but blind to the Kingdom vision
Greedy leaders seeking money, depending not on God’s Provision.

I saw breasts running dry, that could not feed others,
Deceivers were milking the Christian sisters and brothers

The richest nation was yet in debt. I saw a large vault door, marked the Nation’s gold. Inside, it was empty. There was no gold there.

I saw beds in houses, but no sleep. The sheets looked unslept in, the bedroom carpets of some looked worn from pacing to and fro, in deep anxiety.

I saw many at the dining table, with a plateful of multi-colored capsules and tablets, decorating the plate as dressing. I saw that some were mere ‘vanity pills’.
I saw fear, confusion, anxiety in the Nation and in the church in America .

Erosion erosion erosion.
Mess mess mess.
I saw false security, false confidence.

Many beautiful eagles, had turned to vultures.

I saw church leaders who had received a call from God to ‘Go on a sabbatical’, refuse, and choose rather to stay and ‘run their corporations’.

I heard the Lord Say, “ I Gave America , leaders, pioneers, families.”
I asked , ‘Lord where are they?”
“ They aborted them,” came the Reply.

There were abortions in abortion clinics, and abortions in the church.

I saw people beaten black and blue, thrown out of church to where the dustbins lay. A few managed to crawl their way to the main road, and were divinely revived.

I saw some women, sitting in churches, with dark glasses putting on make up very carefully. They were wearing dark gray polo neck sweaters, hiding scars, of abuse. I saw that the sun glasses were to hide the severely bruised eyes. The make-up was to prevent people from noticing that they were women who suffered abuse. Underneath the sweater were further wounds that they were hiding. I saw oppression on their faces.
Across on the horizon, I saw the statue of liberty. As I gazed at it, looking puzzled, I was told, “ Liberty is not a statue”.

As I was flown over the land of America , I saw T.V. studios, shooting plotted/scripted ‘reality’ shows, I saw in homes, unnatural foods and unnatural relationships.

I saw young adults/ children in garages and hidden buildings, experimenting on making home-made bombs.

I saw murderers, rapists, child abusers, dangerous criminals, being given a small piece of paper such as one sees cocaine wrapped in. They were to read a short prayer scribbled on this little chit of paper, after making a donation, and were immediately declared Christians by these greedy leaders. These criminals had a gold color cross placed around their necks by these leaders and sent through a door, where there was a passage that was dark within. These unredeemed sat in churches, with the redeemed. They were like a time bomb ready to explode. They spoke christianese fluently. They were Christians, not by having repented, but just by a prayer that they had said by rote.

I saw various piles of wood ready for the sacrifice unto the Lord, but the people who had before been ready to sacrifice their lives, unto the Lord, were now playing ping pong, tennis/games or swimming in adjacent streams. They would not lay down what was precious to them. These were those God had GREAT plans for, but they just could not come out of their leisure mode.

Sacrifice had now become an unfamiliar word to them.
Their games would soon end, for the Lord in His Grace and Mercy would be chastising them, yet deal graciously with them.

In the west, I saw a giant pile of marijuana and drugs burning, and the smoke from this was wafting all over the country giving people new highs.

I saw what seemed like the spiritual environment, in the Book of Judges, ‘every man doing that which was right in his own eyes’, and when the oppression was too great, a leader was raised up to usher in a ‘revival’.
When that ‘high’ evaporated, many went back to’ business as usual’, and talked of ‘the good ole days of revival’.

I saw many nation-wide gatherings, calling the church and nation to repentance.
Many of the leaders who had preached doctrinal errors, spoken false prophecies, fleeced their Christian brothers and sisters for personal gain, etc, stood on the forefront, and confessed everyone else’s sins, but never their own biblical errors, or hidden sin. They just did not RECANT.

I saw many Christian ‘ideas’ for ‘doing church’, rise and fizzle, and it was back to ‘business as usual’, for many.

People met in physical squares and cyber squares and thrashed out ‘biblical concepts’, and discussed and argued biblical matters to death. Conspiracy theories abounded in the church and in the nation.

God lovers though, continued their lives, distancing themselves from the corruption around, much as if they lived in another country, though they were on American soil.

Then suddenly, I heard the word ‘requisitioning’. Like the army in war requisitions property/vehicles etc. Requisitioning.

I saw the seats of the mega churches shake, the leaders stood on stage, under the bright lights but the people/congregations were shaking, in their seats. Those who went bankrupt approached the leaders of these mega churches for financial help.

The leaders, instead of extending a helping hand, like Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France , said, “If you can’t find bread, eat cake!”
The people were pleading, “But for years we have tithed to you”.
The plea fell on deaf ears.

Disillusioned disillusioned disillusioned.

All over America I saw many disillusioned.

Suddenly, everything was changing. People from world over were rushing to their aid.
Looking at the rapid changes/the upheavals around them, the changes and circumstances they could not cope with, there were those who became disillusioned by God. They felt humiliated, rather than humbled.

But through the dark dismal smoke of disillusionment with the church leaders and government, the shock of the sudden changes, I saw many turn to the Lord, and others re-dedicate their lives to the Lord.

I saw elsewhere, people as ‘rabbits caught in the headlights’. They were ‘frozen’ under a bright light that was blinding them.

These had a strange understanding of Who God is. They stood frozen stiff, as if the God they served was holding a gun at their heads outside a Seven Eleven, Saying ‘One false move and you’re dead”.
The microwave mentality of leaders was trying to ‘grow’ and ‘cook’ people to force them into a ‘maturity’.

Guilt and condemnation was binding such as these. They felt that they had to be picture perfect before they could begin serving God. For years they had been this way. They could not serve God, because all the preaching they heard, made them feel guilty, condemned, filthy…….and on the instructions of messages coming from world-wide, they were waiting to be ‘picture perfect’ before they dared to even think of serving God, Whom, through all the preaching they had heard was a hard task-master.

I saw that the Lord was releasing such as these from the years of bondage emanating from such condemnatory messages.


I was shown some, who as it were in near death and death itself experience, coming out, raised to their feet, by the Lord, made ready to serve Him.

In dustbins, outside many churches, I saw covenants/commitments that God had led many to make, broken and discarded. These were now carelessly thrown in the bins, as if they were meaningless.
Yet, I also saw others absolved and freed by the Lord from unrighteous commitments / vows / covenants.

I was reminded of the Scripture, from Luke 23:11,12 11Then Herod and his soldiers ridiculed and mocked him. Dressing him in an elegant robe, they sent him back to Pilate. 12That day Herod and Pilate became friends—before this they had been enemies.

I saw the Pilates strike up friendships with the Herods, whenever the truth was to be crucified.
I saw the Judases at work,

Money/cash/assets were being washed away, by the sea, in wave after wave and flowing on to distant shores. I saw that people and assets leaving to go world wide.

I saw some investors who had chased short term gains, now thinking long-term.

I saw at a distance away, a cold distance growing between people and government.

People had a mistrust of their government such as never before seen in their history.
Priorities were constantly changing in the land.
America seemed no more the invincible nation, it once thought it was. America was now a vulnerable nation.

Sometimes a gush of problems came like a forcefully running faucet, other times, it was like a dripping tap, drip, drip, drip after torturous drip.

At the times when it dripped, the false prophets would look skyward and say, “Look, the Glory of the Lord, over the most-loved nation on earth.” This was the time, when the undiscerning would be lured into a false sense of security.

The market place at times appeared more adaptable to change, than the church.

On the personal level, I saw rapid declines and rapid promotions.

Greedy leaders were following market trends and down-sizing.
Some leaders in the church and government were busy sneaking out their money to other shores for better returns. Bur inside America they preached /propagated that all was well with America , and people needed to have confidence in their fine nation.

I saw America being lured. Often times, the foreign policies of the nation, were such that they worked to the advantage of the neighbors of America ’s targeted nations/or those nations with vested interest. So in a sense, America , was serving the purposes of crafty nations, for free.

I heard the creaking of tall trees. The axe had hit them, it was but a matter of time and they would crash.

Within the vision I was reminded of a vision I had seen many many months ago. White Eagles And The Signet Rings

In that vision I had seen white eagles go all over the world and in each nation give thick, solid gold signet rings to people. These signet rings had also been given in America . These watchmen world over were to warn their people of the deception coming from the American shores.

The watchmen in America were authorized by this signet ring to stop exports of deceptive teachings going world wide. I saw barbed wire around the ships that exported/imported such deceptive teachings.

All those with signet rings were busy at their work.

I saw in disasters/calamities, many would not wait for the government to help. I saw communities communities communities, growing over painful time after time. I saw there was much one-another-ing in America , in difficult/traumatic situations.

The more this happened I saw that there were many people who seemed more relieved than distressed about such a thing happening.

Before my very eyes, I saw the America of today fading away. The old America was as it were, gone. A new America was evolving. The Texan-type obsession with ‘Big’ was dissipating. A great move had begun to simplify life and be rid of the sham. I saw people though they could well afford it, were choosing a simpler less plastic life, and were becoming more interested rather in philanthropy.

A change of historic proportion was taking place in America . There was upheaval in society, Defense, industry, the market place, and the seats of learning, to adapt/change to the changing, ever fluid environment.

For the business world, it was time to get back to the drawing board.

I saw food/medical habits changing nation wide. Healthy food and effective medicine were entering America .

I heard many corporate men and women shout, “Change the advertisements, the people are changing.” A glimpse of the past ‘plastic America ’ was making many nauseous.

Business, communications, all were changing, from deep within, not visible to the naked eye at first, but it was changing. The ground beneath was gurgling and churning with change. The businesses that could not quickly plan to assimilate change were going under.

Americans were now re-defining the word-rich. Quality rather than quantity was becoming the focus of many. Not that poverty was being advocated; rather I saw people interested to learn and understand what contentment meant.

Nonetheless, there were those who could not let go the past, and they became as little olde type colonies within the nation, extolling and aping the days of yore. Fighting/luring others, to keep the old America together.

I saw a mammoth clash/a huge tussle throughout. The old American wineskins versus the New American wineskins.

As a tussle, as between Esau and Jacob in the womb.
The beginning of the rapid end, of the old America , had commenced.

A new leaner, trimmer America would emerge. I saw people in the distance walking upright, with a stick in their hand. Upon the stick was written : MORAL AUTHORITY

As I looked around, I saw unbelievers were shaming believers by having experiences and making confessions/statements, based on the Scripture ‘what profits man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul……….”

Yet, there remained a number of profiteering prophets, who sold ‘ready-mix-quick-fix’ potions to those who chose to be deluded.

I heard many say, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord………….you choose what you want to do”, they said to the rebellious, “we have chosen to follow Him”.

The rebellious had other plans. They would fight to keep America in harlotry.

Though the church in America seemed in turmoil, the Lord has His people who know Him, not through crusades, T.V., one to one or any kind of evangelism. The Lord has revealed Himself to many people of varied religious background. These would only be revealed at a divine hour.

Across the seas, I saw the countries of the U.K. and the U.S. shake hands and much evil passed through to each from the other. As the two shook hands, off the arms of both were creepy crawlies that transferred from one arm to the other. Both were picking up the worst from each other, and their friendship would at times prove worse than enmity.

For the nation and the church of both countries, the message was………..the enemy is within.

I saw high places, and men standing alone, trying to bring down these high places, by hurling stones, but to no avail……….I was shown that later a multitude would gather as one man, and tear down many of those high places.

Many prophets who for a time and been raised up from within, and without, to prophecy to America , faded away and the Lord returned them to other work.

Leaders such as the prophet Zechariah, bringing the message to build build build, were being trained in hiding, and at God’s most appropriate hour they would be revealed.

Now I saw that no more were there ‘pockets of revival, with a ‘revival-expiry date’, for those earnestly seeking God. The change to come was reformation for life. The kind of change where there’s no looking back. A daily revival within. Ever on fire, ever ready to sacrifice everything to the Lord, ever ready to say, “Here I am Lord, I will go”.

The Christian intelligentsia was offended, by the changes in the church, as were those who preached ‘fairy tales’. There was no pleasing either.

The tussle between the two Americas continued.

Now, here I saw quite a few leaders publicly confess/repent/recant their erroneous doctrines and ways.

The opponents of God’s ways, continued like ‘pick-pockets’ doing all they could to keep the public distracted, and occupied in what they called, ‘yet a better way’.

In the far distance I heard the chant, WE WANT BARABBAS, WE WANT BARABBAS”.

I saw from the world over, a few leaders of the caliber of Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi were being raised.

To America , the old leader, Martin Luther King had said, “ I have a dream.”
To America , God’s chosen would come, and say, “ I have a Kingdom vision”.

I heard the enemies of America , shout……….fall fall America , fall at our feet.

I heard friends of America , within and without, say, “fall fall fall America , fall prostrate, at Lord Jesus Christ’s Feet!

Ezekiel 16:38-44 (NEW King James Version)

38 And I will judge you as women who break wedlock or shed blood are judged; I will bring blood upon you in fury and jealousy. 39 I will also give you into their hand, and they shall throw down your shrines and break down your high places. They shall also strip you of your clothes, take your beautiful jewelry, and leave you naked and bare.
40 “They shall also bring up an assembly against you, and they shall stone you with stones and thrust you through with their swords. 41 They shall burn your houses with fire, and execute judgments on you in the sight of many women; and I will make you cease playing the harlot, and you shall no longer hire lovers. 42 So I will lay to rest My fury toward you, and My jealousy shall depart from you. I will be quiet, and be angry no more. 43 Because you did not remember the days of your youth, but agitated Me[a] with all these things, surely I will also recompense your deeds on your own head,” says the Lord GOD. “And you shall not commit lewdness in addition to all your abominations.

44 “Indeed everyone who quotes proverbs will use this proverb against you: ‘Like mother, like daughter!’

Psalm 94 (NEW King James Version)

9 He who planted the ear, shall He not hear?
He who formed the eye, shall He not see?
10 He who instructs the nations, shall He not correct,
He who teaches man knowledge?
11 The LORD knows the thoughts of man,
That they are futile.

12 Blessed is the man whom You instruct, O LORD,
And teach out of Your law,
13 That You may give him rest from the days of adversity,
Until the pit is dug for the wicked.
14 For the LORD will not cast off His people,
Nor will He forsake His inheritance.
15 But judgment will return to righteousness,
And all the upright in heart will follow it.

16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
17 Unless the LORD had been my help,
My soul would soon have settled in silence.
18 If I say, “My foot slips,”
Your mercy, O LORD, will hold me up.
19 In the multitude of my anxieties within me,
Your comforts delight my soul.

20 Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law,
Have fellowship with You?
21 They gather together against the life of the righteous,
And condemn innocent blood.
22 But the LORD has been my defense,
And my God the rock of my refuge.

Swarna Jha


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