Thursday, April 16, 2009


15th April 2009

I saw this vision 14th April 2009.

I saw an alley.

Alleys such as these can be found in America or Europe.

The environment was slightly damp and a little cold.

On either side of the alley were old red brick buildings. Over a period of time, most of the brick on the side walls had blackened, due to the weather, the environment. Though the old buildings looked as if they had undergone restoration at some stage, (as on either side the walls looked strong), I got the impression, that the side walls facing the alley had not been cleaned for a long time.

I did not see the front of these buildings.

Midway in the alley, nearest to the side wall of the building on the right stood a green dumpster.

The single color, green dumpster had no writing on it, no art work, no sign to identify which local Municipal Corporation, commercial premises, (or individual) this dumpster belonged to.

As I continued to look at the dumpster, suddenly from the left, darted forth several young dogs.

They were fawn colored greyhounds. Their athletic bodies were solid colored, with no speckles or streaks.

This pack of young dogs raced straight to the dumpster. They jumped up several times, but were unable to touch the rim of the dumpster as they were not tall enough.

To my surprise, these dogs, which initially looked only a little older than puppies, all of a sudden grew taller, and now every hound jumped and successfully clasped the rim of the dumpster.

I now saw that not only the fawn greyhounds but the dumpster had grown taller too.

I saw that these extremely tall fawn greyhounds were standing on their hind two paws and with the front paws they grasped the rim of the dumpster. Each dog stood in his place, holding firmly the top edge of the dumpster.

It was a strange sight.

More strange was that these dogs neither peered nor sniffed inside the dumpster. These greyhounds looked well trained and athletic. They did not look the type that ate from dumpsters.

Yet, here they were clutching at the edges of the dumpster.

Until now I had not seen the inside of the dumpster.

Suddenly in a flash, I saw the contents of the waste receptacle.

On the top was a spiral bound book, beside it some papers, documents. The white top page of all the papers and this spiral bound book was blank. It appeared as if all the written matter was concealed beneath the blank pages.

It seemed odd that these papers were not shredded before they were discarded.

Beneath the papers and all around was what seemed to be regular trash, food, old cloths, cartons, cans etc.

Before I could see what else the dumpster contained, I was astonished by what followed.

In a synchronized move, all the fawn greyhounds, which now had a firm grip on the dumpster, tilted it so that the dumpster fell on it's side, and all the garbage spilled out into the alley.

I was surprised to see that these fawn greyhounds simply tilted the dumpster and vanished.

They neither sniffed nor touched any of the food that spilled out amidst the other garbage. They remained focussed on the task they had been sent to do.

Where had these fawn greyhounds come from? Who sent them?

In a flash I saw that their trainers who had dispatched them, sat in a breeding farm that was located a distance away to the extreme top left. Their eyes affixed on the dogs, were monitoring every move, these canines made.

Now I could see the bottom portion of the dumpster. Attached to it’s entire underside was a white plastic basket. In the centre of the basket was a bulky hose. This hose dipped into an opening to a sewer. The opening was the size of the underside of the dumpster.

The bulky hose dipped into the cesspit. Sudden pressure, from beneath, caused it to pump forth old damp garbage that had remained rotting underground for so long. It was a fountain of filth. These garbage items that poured forth from the sewer, could not be identified as they were soggy with decomposed filth.

I was not allowed to smell the stench, but I understood that the rancid smell permeated the entire atmosphere.

Now none could cross this alley as it was filled with this stinking garbage.

To the north, facing the front of the red brick buildings was a wide street.

Beyond the street were metal railing painted green.

Past the railing was a narrow canal. Facing the canal were other red brick buildings. Between these edifices was an alley, in which stood a green dumpster, identical to the one described above.

After having spilled the first dumpster, in a flash the dogs disappeared.

It appeared that they had been expertly trained to tilt the dumpsters and then simply vanish.

Every movement of the fawn greyhounds looked well rehearsed, and synchronized. The entire ‘operation’ was conducted with surgical precision.

These dogs disappeared from this alley in a flash, and now, as I looked straight ahead, again, in a flash, they re-appeared.

The trained pack of fawn greyhounds were now heading towards the alley facing the canal.

I understood that wheresoever there were such green dumpsters, the fawn colored greyhounds would tilt them causing the dumpster to fall on it's side, and forcing the garbage to spill over into the alley and the exact same type of cesspits beneath would pump forth dirt through the hose, into the attached plastic basket and out of the dumpster.

Thus far in the vision I had seen no people.

I wondered how those who lived or worked in the vicinity coped with the stench from the spilled garbage, and bursting sewers.

As the vision faded from me, I saw men and women walking about.

They avoided walking in the alleys, and to evade the stench, I saw some had clothes pegs on their noses. (Clothes pegs such as are used on a bamboo stick)

Others had their noses buried in crumpled giant sized white cloth napkins which were doused in eau de cologne.

As I looked at the dogs, it seemed as if these hounds were trained exclusively for this work, and that they occupied themselves with nothing else, but tipping over dumpsters. Whilst I saw only two such dumpsters tilted in this way, I understood that in whichsoever alley such green dumpsters stood, these fawn colored greyhounds would appear there and the scene such as described above, would re-enact.

The movements of the dogs were so well synchronized. They seemed to have undergone rigorous training at the breeding farm. I understood that they would continue in their 'mission', until recalled by those in the breeding farm. I saw that the dogs looked cool and calm and very focussed, throughout.

Were these fawn greyhounds also capable of physically attacking people, I wondered.

I asked the Lord,

“Lord are these dogs vicious?”

“The dogs are not vicious, but those who train them are”, was the Reply.

Swarna Jha

Jeremiah 12 Vs 14

Jeremiah 12 the whole chapter.

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