"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content. I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound: in everything and in all things have I learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in want. I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me" (Philippians 4:11-13).
If there is one statement in Scripture that finds us out, it is this one. It was Paul who said it; but I wonder how many of us could say it, with the same positive affirmation? You will notice, however, that the Apostle is stating it as the result of a life-long schooling. 'This', he says, 'is the issue of my schooling with Christ. I have learned the secret. "I have learned... I know... I can do..."!'
The course of things is learning through experience, and thus coming to knowledge - knowledge which is not theory at all, but which works out in practice: "I can do". That is the meaning for us of life with Christ. If we, His children, want to know the meaning of our experiences in this very exacting school - for it is an exacting school: we don't get away with anything; nothing escapes; we are held to it, severely and strictly, though behind all is wisdom and love - the meaning of our experiences in the exacting school which the Christian life is, and is intended to be, it is that we may LEARN, that we may KNOW, that we may DO. God's end is always a practical end, and the end is DOING. 'I have learned... I know... I can do!'
And, of course, the way to that end is learning that you CANNOT do, and that you do NOT know. I suppose that that is the truest thing that could be said of anyone in the School of the Spirit. The thing that they are learning is that they cannot do, and they do not know. That is the way. It does seem, on the one hand, a negative process; it does seem to be an undoing experience; but God's ends are always positive. And an absolute necessity to our arriving at the position, "I can do all things" -a tremendous statement! - which is His will for every one of us, is a deep, fundamental consciousness and realisation of how bankrupt we are of knowledge and of ability apart from Christ. For the all-governing clause or fragment is: 'in Him - that is, in Christ - who strengthens me'.
But. while this is a message of rebuke and correction, demanding adjustment, here is a word of tremendous hope, tremendous comfort.
I was reading recently Boreham's Oliver Cromwell. When Cromwell was a young fellow, farming in Huntingdonshire, he wrote a letter to his aunt, in which there occurred the following words:
'I am a poor creature; I am sure that I shall never earn the least mite.'
There is the foundation of a man who hurled kings and thrones from their places; turned a regime upside down; became the terror of evil-doers; and was, if not the greatest, one of the greatest champions of God in the history of this country. 'I am a poor creature; I am sure I shall never earn the least mite'! You should hear what Thomas Carlyle says about him. Someone said that Cromwell was one of the four greatest men in history. Says Boreham: 'Carlyle would laugh: "Four! The other three are mere puppets compared with Cromwell - they are not in the same world with him!"'
But, Carlyle goes on to say, there was a turning point in Cromwell's life. From the Huntingdonshire farmer, with the consciousness of his weakness, his insufficiency, his worthlessness, there came a turn. Carlyle's way of expressing it, because he did not know in experience what he was talking about, was: 'It was what Cromwell would call his "conversion".' We know what that means. And then, away ploughing in his field, Cromwell heard of the great need: 'Everything in this country', says Boreham, 'rushing pell-mell toward turgid crisis, wild tumult, red revolution, and the cry for a man, a good man, a strong man, a great man.' As he heard that cry, whilst ploughing his field, something inside him said: 'You are that man! The world needs a man, a good man, a great man, a strong man - Thou art the man!'
Cromwell set to weighing up his assets and his liabilities: 'I cannot be that man; I can never answer that call, meet that demand.' But then, as he was thinking about it after the day's work, in his country home, by the fire, with his wife at his side, and the little child in the cradle, he took down the big Bible, and opened it to read; and turning the pages, he came to the letter to the Philippians, and began to read chapter 4. He stopped at verse 13: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" - and that was the beginning of the history that we know. It carried him through to the end. When he was at Hampton Court, passing from this life, he called for the Bible, and asked them to read; and they said: 'What shall we read?' And he said: 'Read from Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me".'